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Well I have the Nikon Coolpics 5700, I desided on this camera after scrutinizing hundreds of photos taken by many different digital cameras and comparing the quality (Over all the Nikon was the best for me)

Anywho now that I have shelled out a nice sum of money I want to know how to use it best for macro shots and such like that.

Are there any websites about that deal with the nikon 5700 that will tell me how to use all the functions available and what each function does (In english I can understand) I'm not a photographer, and tend to learn things by trial and error which works pretty well but there are a multitude of options available to me on the nikon and I know I can spend months trying to get the best picture)

I know about the slow capture rate but I think I have corrected that by using fast shot or something like that in the menu option which takes the picture straight away instead of fiddle farting around, which seems to work nicely, but I'm still using Auto everything hahaha.

Also, is there a better macro lense you can get for the Nikon coolpics 5700 that I can manually focus the lense and not use a little scroll wheel which is very anoying!

Well I think I have asked enough for now, I did search for nikon coolpics 5700 on the forum but only found a few threads/posts that dealt with this camera and none of them answered my questions.


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Congrats on your camera purchase! :) One of the websites which I frequent the most is http://www.dpreview.com . They have a Nikon forum with many other 5700 users which I'm sure you'll find helpful. As far as a 5700 guide, I'm not sure..perhaps someone else more knowledgeable can help in that area.

For macro shooting, unfortunately I don't believe there exists an add-on lens that does what you're looking for. Most of the add-on lenses still require focusing through the camera itself (ie, the scroll buttons or autofocus).

In any case, hope you enjoy your new camera, and don't hesitate to post pics to get advice on how to improve em. :) Good luck!


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Well posting pictures wont be a problem hahaha I am snap happy and have a few I wouldn't mind showing off hahaha (Always getting a big head I am)

Thanks for the site, its been bookmarked and I will definatly search it tomorow (since its late)

I hope I can find a macro lense that has manual focus. using the scoll is extreamly slow and the auto also isn't quite fast enough, much much qicker to do it by hand. I will continue my search tho.

If anyone can point my in a direction for a Macro lense that would be delightful!


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Fantastic I will do that one tonight after reading the rest of the forum!!!

Thanks a bunch dtiedke

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