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MACO is proud to be hosting a course for aquarium photography!!

For for details, see the website: (click the link to the course on the lefthand menu)

Through interactive online learning with practical, hands on photography assignments and critiques of your images through your own student gallery on the MACO website, you will gain a thorough understanding of how to capture stunning photographs of marine or freshwater aquariums and their aquatic inhabitants.

During the Aquarium Photography Techniques � Level I course, you will learn how to utilize your camera equipment (including electronic flash) to capture clear & compelling images of aquariums under different conditions as well as the basic rules of composition and fundamental macro photography techniques.

We will examine how to �set the stage� in an aquarium for your photo shoot while discussing a variety of techniques for capturing images of a variety of subject matter, including corals, invertebrates, and (of course) fish. We will also cover methods of photographing entire aquarium environments.

The Aquarium Photography Techniques � Level I course will also include an introduction to multimedia uses for your images & methods for displaying and sharing them as well as basic post-production skills, including digital file management and computer manipulation.

Camera Equipment

Camera Bodies, Lenses, Flash, Tripods, Macro Equipment, Filters

Computers for Photography

Features and functions of a computer that aid in digital imaging

Creative Use of Camera Controls

Shutter Speed, Aperture / f-Stop, ISO, Color balance

Digital Imaging 1

File formats, File Preparation, Resolution, Cropping / Resizing

Capturing Light

Reflections & their avoidance, Lighting, Electronic Flash

Preparing Aquarium for Photo Shoot

Cleaning, Aquascaping, Photo-specific tanks


The general rules and aspects of visual design that will help you create outstanding photos

Digital Imaging 2

Color Correction, Exposure & Contrast, Sharpening & Blurring, Rubber Stamp & Heal

Aquatic Subject Matter

Full Aquarium Photographs, Aquatic Animal Portraits, Macro & Close-ups

Introduction to Lighting Theory

Light quality, light direction, Image Mood

Uses and Things to Do With Your Photos

Multimedia & Internet, Printing


Advanced Reefer
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This course has been rescheduled for October 19th start date. For more details or to register, head over to the MACO website:

and click the course link for photography on the left navigation window.

The course is $85 for 6 full weeks of instruction including live chats, course specific forum, and a website section dedicated to only your course.


Advanced Reefer
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This course is set to start next week! Please sign up now... we have a minimum number of participants and if we don't hit that minimum, the course will be cancelled.

It should be a most excellent course, and I'm very much looking forward to participating myself.


Experienced Reefer
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I know the teacher, he has photographed my aquarium, and he is absolutely fantastic! Chris is truly talented and to get a chance to learn his techniques in aquarium photography should not be passed up! :)


Advanced Reefer
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This course is being run again for the new year! The course will be starting in February. For the most recent information (when its published soon), see the MACO website:

In addition, please participate in the photography contest that has 2 seats in the upcoming course for the winners (among other prizes)! See the stickies in this forum.

We currently have no entrants, get your entry in now!

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