Ya know, I don't think they're being so unreasonable. My wife gets upset because I spend way too much time on this site (so much so that when she's passing by my computer I switch windows). The problem is that we're not just looking at a nice tank and admiring it (like everybody loves to do). We're doing the work in getting the tank to look good (long hours, giving it priority, taking up space with equipment and such...). I admit that it does take away from the "us" time that we had before I started with the tank. She's also right sometimes when she accuses me of wanting to look at the tank before I greet her (it's a struggle to not look as I come through the door). Then there's the expense involved. Truth is, marriage is a partnership and I can't force my hobby on her just like she can't force on me either. There's compromise, agreement, etc. If you're too tired to do something for her, but have enough time and energy to do something for the hobby it tells her that she's less important. As in all things, as difficult as it is, we have to strike a balance. My wife likes the idea of the tank, and I think she accepts that they're pets that need attention just like you'd walk your dog everyday, etc.
It's not easy though because if she doesn't share your passion it might be that you'll think any request she has that takes time from the tank is unreasonable as they think we're being unreasonable.
It's not easy though because if she doesn't share your passion it might be that you'll think any request she has that takes time from the tank is unreasonable as they think we're being unreasonable.