Set Up Date : 1999 September
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 36x24x16 | 65G
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): 24x18x12 | 25G
Live Rock (Mass): 80 lbs
Live Sand (Mass): 60 lbs
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): 6500K MH + 5500K NO + Atinic NO | 250W + 30W + 30W | MH 2Hr + NO 9Hr
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): DAS BX-1
Biological Filtration (Type): Wet-Dry bioballs, LR, LS
Chemical Filtration (Type): Carbon once every few months
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):350 gph, Fluval, AquaClear
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model): 700 gph, Rio 2500
pH (Morning | Evening): 8.2 | 8.3
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 23C ~ 29C (73F ~ 85F)
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.025
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): 9dKH
Calcium (ppm): 400 ppm
Ammonia (ppm): 0
Nitrite (ppm): 0
Nitrate (ppm): 1~5
Phosphate (ppm): 0.5
Fish : Sailfin tang, 2 clowns, yellow wrase and royal grama
Corals : unknown sps, tourch, green star polyps, big colony of brown star polyps, green tree, umbrella, finger, misc shrooms, buttons, yellow ployps.
Invertebrates : coral banded shrimp, 10 snails, 10 hermits.
Maintenance Program : 10% water changes once every 2 months, 2-parts ESV every morning for Ca, unperiodic addition of iodine, strontium and iron. Feed dry food 2 times a day, misc frozen treats 2 times a week.
Additional Information :
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 36x24x16 | 65G
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): 24x18x12 | 25G
Live Rock (Mass): 80 lbs
Live Sand (Mass): 60 lbs
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): 6500K MH + 5500K NO + Atinic NO | 250W + 30W + 30W | MH 2Hr + NO 9Hr
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): DAS BX-1
Biological Filtration (Type): Wet-Dry bioballs, LR, LS
Chemical Filtration (Type): Carbon once every few months
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model):350 gph, Fluval, AquaClear
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model): 700 gph, Rio 2500
pH (Morning | Evening): 8.2 | 8.3
Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 23C ~ 29C (73F ~ 85F)
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.025
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): 9dKH
Calcium (ppm): 400 ppm
Ammonia (ppm): 0
Nitrite (ppm): 0
Nitrate (ppm): 1~5
Phosphate (ppm): 0.5
Fish : Sailfin tang, 2 clowns, yellow wrase and royal grama
Corals : unknown sps, tourch, green star polyps, big colony of brown star polyps, green tree, umbrella, finger, misc shrooms, buttons, yellow ployps.
Invertebrates : coral banded shrimp, 10 snails, 10 hermits.
Maintenance Program : 10% water changes once every 2 months, 2-parts ESV every morning for Ca, unperiodic addition of iodine, strontium and iron. Feed dry food 2 times a day, misc frozen treats 2 times a week.
Additional Information :