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This is for when both with actinics are on and off. My camera is Cannon SLR XSi with stock lens. It seems that my white balance is off but I did what other suggested by putting a white object in the tank and using that as a reference for white balance but the colors still don't look right.


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Wanna post up pics of what your shots look like? And do you want to match the color your seeing in your tank? or the actual colors of the coral? And are you using your flash when taking the pictures? Full auto mode? ect.

Your coral look alot different under MH/T5/VHO lighting than they do under natural sunlight or room lights...ect. Take any of the bright colored collectors coral and they look completely different when you take them out of the tank. So, flash and most of the WB settings will dull out the coral or bring out different more "natural" colors out of them.

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