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Tim Reed

Active Reefer
At night I have a small gray-ish worm that slithers over the bedding (crushed coral). He has a couple of white/yellow bars (about 4 or 5) from head down to about 3/4 of the way. It has a widened head like a python that has two trianles (same color as stripes) on each side. It's tail was pointed on the end. It is non-segmented, and its' skin can fold over itself or stretch like my bristle worms do. He only comes out at night and hates the light completely. If no one can guess what this is by this description then I don't think a picture will help but I will post one if you tell me where to put it. Thanks...


Advanced Reefer
Sounds like it may be a "Peanut worm"

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>They tend to arrive already in their burrows within live rock. They are exceptionally lacking in color, being mostly dull gray, tan or pale white. Sometimes the introvert is banded or marked with darker patches. They are first noticed when the aquarist is watching his or her tank and a tentacle “unrolls” out of a hole in the rock and starts to mop the surrounding substrate. The “unrolling” extension of the introvert, where it extends by turning itself inside out, is characteristic, and any worm that extends a tentacle-covered structure in such a manner is a sipunculan.

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