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Well, I finally figured it out last night, and I was working and having a quiet night, so I took pictures of my tank inhabitants and put them on the web. Check out the site! It's a mess and not very fancy, but hey, it's a first try, and it finally works.

By the way, it's a 125 with a trickle filter (empty), a uv sterilizer, a venturi driven skimmer, 6 96watt pc bulbs (4 actinic, 2 daylight), and a wavemaker with 2 small pumps. Pretty simple. I'll add other stuff later.

By the way, on page 2, you'll find some pictures from inside the sump which show the real filtration for my tank, all the calcerous tube worms and the shrimp (oh, and a couple different kinds of chemical filtration).

Dave's Reef Page

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