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I have separated a number of Berghia v. egg strands from the parents and placed them in jars filled with filtered water. Currently I have about 9 strands. The oldest of these, which were laid 9 days ago, have begun to change color from the typical creamy white to reddish/pink. Any ideas?
From what I've read, this isn't normal.
Attached is a pic.

any thoughts would be welcome


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I'm guessing they are dead. Its not uncommon to see eggs attacked my fungus and bacteria before they hatch, especially if not fertilized. Did you have water motion around them to keep them aerated well?



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Yeah, I have a small air pump that keeps things from getting stagnant. The weird thing is that it is still possible to see individual eggs within the egg strand. I would have thought that an infection would have overgrown the eggs and "blurred" them together. Also egg strands that are being destroyed by pathogens typically have a fuzzy appearance and begin to fall apart. The egg strand is still intact, even where the discolored eggs are located.
I guess that time will tell whether they are infected or not. We'll see. Thanks for the reply.

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