It's amazing what you can do with an Allen Key and a Phillips head screwdriver.........
All of the above is stand setup and pre breakdown/setup.
Above you can see the fuge setup. In the egg crate area will be cheato above it will be chemipure.the right compartment is where the skimmer will go and the left is the return area.
Above is the livestock waiting for their new home to be finished!
Buckets of rock and progress.
Almost done!
New livestock chillin in the tank for the first time this morning!
Now here are the particulars.
2 Clowns
1 Female Canary Wrasse
1 Melanarus Coris Wrasse
1 Watchman Goby
1 Fire shrimp
1 Pistol Shrimp
Some crabs and nassarius snails
1 Clam
Various Mushrooms, Zoas and LPS corals.
34G solana tank and stand
250W sunpod
Tunze doc 9002 Skimmer
RK2 for control
Stock return
2 Koralia nano's (for now)
Jager heater.

All of the above is stand setup and pre breakdown/setup.

Above you can see the fuge setup. In the egg crate area will be cheato above it will be chemipure.the right compartment is where the skimmer will go and the left is the return area.

Above is the livestock waiting for their new home to be finished!

Buckets of rock and progress.

Almost done!

New livestock chillin in the tank for the first time this morning!
Now here are the particulars.
2 Clowns
1 Female Canary Wrasse
1 Melanarus Coris Wrasse
1 Watchman Goby
1 Fire shrimp
1 Pistol Shrimp
Some crabs and nassarius snails
1 Clam
Various Mushrooms, Zoas and LPS corals.
34G solana tank and stand
250W sunpod
Tunze doc 9002 Skimmer
RK2 for control
Stock return
2 Koralia nano's (for now)
Jager heater.
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