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Set Up Date : March 2001

Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 30X18X12 -29g

Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): no sump.

Live Rock (Mass): 50lbs

Live Sand (Mass): 15lbs + 90lbs southdown, mostly live now, 5-6" deep

Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): 175 w MH w/ 10K Ushio bulb and Advance ballast. 2 x 15 W Actinic NO flourescent. Flourescents come on at 12 noon and go off at 11:30pm, MH comes on at 1pm and off at 10:30 pm

Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): CPR BakPak IIR w/ overflow/bubbletrap box.

Biological Filtration (Type): 50lbs Live rock, 6" DSB, 10g Refugium

Chemical Filtration (Type): Aquaclear 200 when needed.

Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): Cap 400 ph on bottom back pointing across, MJ 600 and MJ 900 on back corners pointing to center, 3 PH total.

pH (Morning | Evening): 8.2-8.3

Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 80-82f

Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.025

Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): 8.4 dKH

Calcium (ppm): 350-400

Ammonia (ppm): 0

Nitrite (ppm): 0

Nitrate (ppm): 7.5

Phosphate (ppm): .2
Fish : 1 Royal Gramma

Corals : Yellow star polyps, Sand polyps, green soloman island polyps, giant zoanthid polyps, lime-green leather, gold crown leather, anthelia, Devil's Hand, favites brain, pink stylophora, toadstool leather, green zooanthids, pulsing xenia, capnella, kenya tree coral

Invertebrates : 1 Scarlet cleaner shrimp, 2 Peppermint Shrimp, 2 Mithrax crabs, 3 Baja red-leg hermits, 6 scarlet reef hermits, 1 Un-identified hitchhiker crab, trochus, turbo, astraea, nessarious, strombus, nerite and cerith snails, Giant Hawaiian Feather Duster, Impatiens Cucumber, amphipods and copepods galore, Banded serpent star.

Maintenance Program : 10% change every week.

Additional Information: Dose about 1/2-1 gallon of kalk per night as makeup using ro/di water. Feed Nutrafin Max, Prime Reef, zooplankton or Coral Heaven daily and target feed the polyps every 2-3 days.

[ August 20, 2001: Message edited by: nagel ]

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