gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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My Tank is in my living room and has an overflow compartment in the back center. Plumbing runs to the basement into my old 135 gal which now serves as the sump.

Nuts & Bolts

-225 gallon (72L x 30w x 24H)
-Aquanetics Chiller
-DIY DAS style skimmer
-DIY recirculating Ca (carbonate) reactor
-Iwaki md55rxlt return pump (soon to be
upgraded to Hayward 3000 gal/hr pool pump)
-2x150w Heaters


2x 400w german 10k
2x 175w german 10k

No additional lighting, 400w come on 10 minutes after 175w, and go off 10 minutes after. Total photoperiod is 12 hrs/day.


~175 lb live rock
~4" sand bed made up of 250lb Southdown tropical play sand, and 150lb live sand from previous 135 gal tank.


Maroon Clown (~3" mean bastard! loves to dig)
Purple Tang (HE RULES)
12 Green Chromis (everyone should have shoaling fish)
Orange Bristletooth Tang
Lawnmower Blenny
3 Pajama Cardinals

Creepers and Crawlers

Bubble Tip Anenome
Blue Linka Star
2 peppermint shrimp
Trochus and Turbo snails
Scarlet Hermits
2 Hitchhiker crabs in a head of Acropora
Lots 'o sandbed critters

Soft Corals

Thick finger Sinularia
Plexaurella gorgonian
Thin branched neon green Palau Sinularia
Cladiella (colt)
3 species of xenia (red sea, silver tip, elongata)
Variety of 'shrooms

LPS Corals


SPS Corals

3 morphs of Montipora digitata (green, red, purple)
orange Montipora capricornus
green M. Capricornus
Turbinaria reniformis
Hydnophora rigida
Acropora Millepora
5 different unidentified Acropora
Porites cylidricata
Poccillopora Damnicornus (one green, one pink)
Pink Stylophora pistilla


itty bitty squasmosa
3" derasa/maxima hybrid (best guess)
More to come


-Flake food everyday (I rotate brands to give
nutritional variety)
-JS's Sea Veggies almost everyday for Purple
-Anemone, bubble coral, Trachi, and Wellso
get occasional Krill
-25 gal water change once a month or when I
feel like it.
-IO salt.
-Carbon filtered tap water.
-No Mechanical filtration except settling in
-One drop/day Lugols
-Half recommended Kent Strontium


When did this become a habit instead of a hobby???

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