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Set Up Date : Late February '00

Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 44 gallon (perfecto) pentagon 24" high (no l or w its such a weird shape)

Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume): Sealife Systems wet/dry w/ balls removed and refugium instead. Rated for 65 gallons (not sure of vol.)

Live Rock (Mass): About 40 lbs

Live Sand (Mass): 3 inches (1 bag sugar sized aragonite, 1 bag "Bio-Active" 'live' aragonite, rest is live sand (maybe 25 lbs?)

Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): 250 watt 6500k metal halide bell pendant (Hamilton Technology), 2x28 watt Power Compact florescents in fan cooled ABS hood (1 daylight and 1 actinic). Lights on at 10:00 am and off at 10:30 pm.

Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): Sealife systems small skimmer (doesn't give a size, its just the smaller one)

Biological Filtration (Type): LR, Refugium w/ 1 inch of live sand which really doesn't do anything...

Chemical Filtration (Type): Activated carbon once in a blue moon.

Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): Rio 1700 return (can't wait for it to die and leach copper into the system!
), "Power Sweep" rotating powerhead does i believe 160 gph?, maxi-jet (coralline encrusted, dont know rating anymore...)

Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model): Rio 1700

pH (Morning | Evening): Usually 8.3

Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 76.7 - 81.3 on a really hot day.

Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): sg - 1.024

Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): 9 dKH working on 13-14, not there yet

Calcium (ppm): 420 - 460

Ammonia (ppm): 34232 ppm, hehe J/K - 0

Nitrite (ppm): nope

Nitrate (ppm): believe it or not 0

Phosphate (ppm): lost the color chip, medium-light blue

Fish : hippo tang, royal dottyback, neon goby, yellow headed sleeper goby, flame angel

Corals : oh geeze, a bunch, hows that?

Invertebrates : skunk cleaner, scarlet cleaner, emerald crab, porcelin crab, red star, harlequin serpent star, blue-leg hermits, scarlet hermits, 30+ astrea snails, and a feather duster.

Maintenance Program : monthly 5 gallon water change. I dose coral vite (switching to combi-san soon), essential elements, strontium, lugols, Korallin S-Plus, b-ionic every other day, kalk at night.

Additional Information : Not much! This just about covers it!

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