Set Up Date :10/99
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 48x30x18 - 90 gallon
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume):no sump
Live Rock (Mass):120 lbs. of mixed
Live Sand (Mass):40 lbs. crushed coral - between 1 and 2 inches - adding 30 lbs. of Carib Sea Aragamax this week
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):348 watts total - 60 watts NO actinic on 14 hrs; 96 watt 6700k PC on 12 hours; 96 watt 6700k PC and 96 watt PC 7100K on 10 hours
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):Red Sea Berlin HO with 2500 Rio pump
Biological Filtration (Type):live rock
Chemical Filtration (Type):activated carbon no more than 3 days a month
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model)
ne Rio 1400 for surface agitation, two Hagen 202's and one 802, and one Maxijet 1200
Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):
pH (Morning | Evening):8.2/8.3
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):79-82
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):1.24
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):never measured
Calcium (ppm):420+
Ammonia (ppm):never tested
Nitrite (ppm):less than 0.5 ppm
Nitrate (ppm):never tested
Phosphate (ppm):never tested
ne yellow tang, one convict blenny, one magenta dottyback
Corals :
LPS: red brain (lobophyllia), moon coral (favia speciosa), green frogspawn (Euphyllia divisa), pogoda cup coral (Turbinaria patula);
SPS: acropra (blue staghorn, green staghorn and yellow cluster), montipora digitata (orange, green and purple), cauliflower (pocillopora), and one large christmass tree worm rock (Porites lutea);
leather corals: various toadstools including two fancy yellow (Sarcophyton), two colt corals (Cladiella), pulsing xenia, various button polyps (Zooanthus) and green star polyps (Clavularia)
Other: Candalabra gorgonian (Eunicea mammosa), several types of mushroom anemones
Invertebrates : one white stripped cleaner shrimp, several peppermint shrimp (put in six but only see two at a time), four emerald crabs, one sally lightfoot crab, two brittle stars, four dozen hermit crabs (blue legged, scarlet, and knobby) and four dozen snails (astrea, baja, and margarita.
Maintenance Program : 1/2 gallon of kalkwasser for top-off daily, 10-15 ml of ESV Bionic each morning, 30-40 drops of ESV potassium Iodide 1% solution twice weekly, and 5-10% water change twice monthly (Instant Ocean salt). One cup DT's phytoplankton added twice weekly. Clean equipment as required and watch aquarium one hour each evening while adding Bell's ale liberally to hobbyist.
Additional Information
rior experience with freshwater aquariums before setting up the salt water system. I decided to start with an inexpensive set-up until I to found out if this was something I was willing to invest the time and money. I've only had two deaths so far - an elegance coral the perished soon after purchase and a red sea fan gorgonian that was purchased before the aquarium had sufficiently matured. The corals are growing well under the power compacts and I have propigated several of the leather corals etc. Like everyone else, I am already planning a bigger, better and more expensive set-up.
Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 48x30x18 - 90 gallon
Sump Size (LxHxW | Volume):no sump
Live Rock (Mass):120 lbs. of mixed
Live Sand (Mass):40 lbs. crushed coral - between 1 and 2 inches - adding 30 lbs. of Carib Sea Aragamax this week
Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod):348 watts total - 60 watts NO actinic on 14 hrs; 96 watt 6700k PC on 12 hours; 96 watt 6700k PC and 96 watt PC 7100K on 10 hours
Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model):Red Sea Berlin HO with 2500 Rio pump
Biological Filtration (Type):live rock
Chemical Filtration (Type):activated carbon no more than 3 days a month
Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model)

Return Pump (Rate | Brand | Model):
pH (Morning | Evening):8.2/8.3
Temperature (Range | oC | oF):79-82
Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt):1.24
Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH):never measured
Calcium (ppm):420+
Ammonia (ppm):never tested
Nitrite (ppm):less than 0.5 ppm
Nitrate (ppm):never tested
Phosphate (ppm):never tested

Corals :
LPS: red brain (lobophyllia), moon coral (favia speciosa), green frogspawn (Euphyllia divisa), pogoda cup coral (Turbinaria patula);
SPS: acropra (blue staghorn, green staghorn and yellow cluster), montipora digitata (orange, green and purple), cauliflower (pocillopora), and one large christmass tree worm rock (Porites lutea);
leather corals: various toadstools including two fancy yellow (Sarcophyton), two colt corals (Cladiella), pulsing xenia, various button polyps (Zooanthus) and green star polyps (Clavularia)
Other: Candalabra gorgonian (Eunicea mammosa), several types of mushroom anemones
Invertebrates : one white stripped cleaner shrimp, several peppermint shrimp (put in six but only see two at a time), four emerald crabs, one sally lightfoot crab, two brittle stars, four dozen hermit crabs (blue legged, scarlet, and knobby) and four dozen snails (astrea, baja, and margarita.
Maintenance Program : 1/2 gallon of kalkwasser for top-off daily, 10-15 ml of ESV Bionic each morning, 30-40 drops of ESV potassium Iodide 1% solution twice weekly, and 5-10% water change twice monthly (Instant Ocean salt). One cup DT's phytoplankton added twice weekly. Clean equipment as required and watch aquarium one hour each evening while adding Bell's ale liberally to hobbyist.
Additional Information