I got 300 Gal. tank- Acrylic , 60 gal. sump Acrylic , 90 gal. refuge Acrylic.
3x400 MH Radium + RADION XR30W G4 PRO LED LIGHT .
9 pumps +2 at night for few hours + 2 return , NO sand.
Tropic Marine Pro salt.
Alk. around 7 dKH
Mag. 1350
Cal. 450
Potassium 410
NO3 i try 2-4 ppm
Po4 0.02 to 0.05
Most SPS (95% or more) most from TUSI , i start from his frags ( FREE) some i buy.
I am bad in names but W.D is easy ( 70 frags + 7-8 mini colony) 3 H.W. frags .
Around 15 fishes.
3x400 MH Radium + RADION XR30W G4 PRO LED LIGHT .
9 pumps +2 at night for few hours + 2 return , NO sand.
Tropic Marine Pro salt.
Alk. around 7 dKH
Mag. 1350
Cal. 450
Potassium 410
NO3 i try 2-4 ppm
Po4 0.02 to 0.05
Most SPS (95% or more) most from TUSI , i start from his frags ( FREE) some i buy.
I am bad in names but W.D is easy ( 70 frags + 7-8 mini colony) 3 H.W. frags .
Around 15 fishes.