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Hillside NJ
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Ahhh!! the thread begins...

As some of you may know I have been busy upgrading and building a 3-sided 120g. Its about 3x the volume of my 36g so im really looking forward to the increased space. its actually looking small (im never satisfied :banghead: ) but a short ton on a second floor above my mom's head is all im willing to risk..hehe

Ive had a about 8 SPS colonies/frag deaths :(, first my refractometer was off by .004 , so I was pushing 1.029 for about a month (let this be a lesson), secondly my C02 ran out on me, and an outbreak of bryopsis not hair algae has caused problems. Im kinda down on reefing at the moment but I have high hopes for the new tank.

Well thats all im willing to write right now so heres some pics of the beginings




For all who have met my girl, you have no idea how good I have it...lol ;)

thats love! dont miss a spot..lol
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Advanced Reefer
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Cool man, hope things get better. Btw, nice work with the stand and hood. You haddddd to choose a pic where we can't see the face of your g/f. :scratchch :lol: :flirt: :eek:rangehat


Hillside NJ
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Herman your a funny guy..lol remind me how funny you are next time im near your tank w/ a beer :sgrin:..lol

BTW the build is basicaly done, shouldve clarified, heres the near-end result. I stil have to add the piece that will hide the external overflow.

then its onto wiring and PVC plumbing :irked:



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Howell, NJ
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very very very nice drzl.... so this is what ya been up 2 lately... anyways everything looks great congrats and good luck...

what are the plans with the equipment (lighting, flow, skimmer, sump, return pump, ect.ect.) when u fillen her up..


Hillside NJ
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LOL....you have a good eye my friend! Steve's the man he helped me on the 45 cuts for the canopy, but everything else was all just his guidance and my doing.

Equip consists of
(2) 6000 on a multi (maybe upgradin to 6100 transformers soon)
(1) 6060
(1) SEIO 820 (soon to be replaced by another 6060 or a vortech)
(1) Mag 9.5 (soon to be replaced w/ either a red dragon or a GRI pump around 1200GPH
-White Starboard
DAS EX-2 skimmer (keeping in the spirit of overkill the H&S was too close for comfort on stock capacity ;) )
DIY Agrocrete rock
(2) 250W 10K XM's
(2) 2 110W VHO Super act.

I think thats all


Live Sale Pioneer
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Yoooooo Andres!!!! I didn't know you got this far along :lol:. Why you gotta have Paulisa doing the dirty work, lazy man i tell you. In the next couple of weeks I'm gonna have to come by and see how its coming along.

Looks noice though, wanna see it filled!!!!

BTW did you drill it and make the overflow box yet?

-Steroids ;)


Hillside NJ
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Sounds like a great idea but my bedroom although quite big by normal standards couldnt possibly house the many rascals of the MR-unit

How about everyone sending me a frag anyways ;)

lol...seriously though, anyone in the area is always welcome to pass by :D

mi reef es su reef

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