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Brooklyn , NY
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Hi everyone,
I want o share my new zeo tank to all you guys, my mistakes and I hope soon success ;)
here is short story...
In 2002 when I came to US I buil my first here 102 gal tank have it for about a year then got acrylic 180 gal 6'x2'x2' this one I was enjoying till august 2010 when I downgraded to Marineland 93 gal Deep Dimension cube 30"x30"x24" couple months ago I decided to build new tank a little bit longer than 93 gal cube and low iron (starphire) glass this time...
New tank dimension finally are 48"x30"x22" high it is something about 137 gal.
Here are some buil progress pics, i don't really had time to get decent pics so i used my phone, I'm sorry for that ;)

next day...

In my opinion 1/2" thick glass is enough cause tank is only 22" high.
I don't know if is any prestige when tank is rimless I'm European my first tank was rimless and that was 26 years ago when I was 8 years old, all my tanks in Europe was rimless by the way that's why I'm always smiling when people here in US saying "my tank is rimless" it sounds like something miracle to me ;) Usually I'm building stands myself but this time I got help from my friend Martin (Special thanks for you Martin and all Modern Wood crew !!!) he own beautiful woodwork company and build excellent cabinet under my new tank, to make it strong and waterproof he used 1" thick Baltic Birch Plywood which is two times stronger than reg 1" plywood and much more water resist.


I moved everything already to new tank and now I'm looking to buy some good light fixture, temporary i'm using two AI led modules but it doesn't work.
I understand I should do this before but still can't decide which one to buy... I was thinking to buy T5 fixture for my new tank but when I started counting expenses I'm not sure if I want them any more, for my tank I gonna need 8-10x54w bulbs fixture 432w-540w Every 6 months bulbs has to be replaced for new one, each 54w bulb is about $30 shipped so that's gonna be $240-$300 twice a year... I know people have beautiful sps growing under the T5 fixtures but the expenses makes me want to stay with LEDs.
For the led market I was looking at AI but I don't really like them since I'm using them right now, Vertex Illumina looking promising but is a bit expensive...
Reeftech Prometeus LED fixture, second generation the slim one just arrived to the US the new look and design is beautiful, personally it couldn't be any better.
I already had the first generation above my 93 gal cube and one unit was perfectly covered 30"x30" area. I don't want to waste my time looking for another brand I'll try the new one now and see if one can cover 48"x30" area.
Here is a shot of my tank... is totaly mess I still have to build some aquascape the rocks and corals are just transferred, everything is temporary ;)

I'll update more informations and pics soon...
All the best guys.


Skimmer Freak
poughquag, ny
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looks great mark and kudo's on building your own tank. as a previous owner of the maxspect line i would really look into their new model. one of the biggest pro's with the maxspect is having the ability of switching out the leds and being able to have a vast array of lighting spec's and color temps. if you have the gen 1 AI's there is no comparision to the gen 2's as i have had both models.

personally i am one of those t5 guys. i replace my bulbs once a year and even though i hate dropping the $ for 8 bulbs, i dont think ill ever switch out from t5's and ive used mh as well as a couple types of leds, and straightjiggy has a really good price on a ATI powermodule


Professional Commuter
Wallingford, CT
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You are way under sized on the AI modules for your size tank. Even 4 modules placed perpendicular to the front glass will not cover the 30" unless they are raised to about 12".
I use 2 modules for a 30"x30"x17" cube.
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Brooklyn , NY
Rating - 97.7%
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looks great mark and kudo's on building your own tank. as a previous owner of the maxspect line i would really look into their new model. one of the biggest pro's with the maxspect is having the ability of switching out the leds and being able to have a vast array of lighting spec's and color temps. if you have the gen 1 AI's there is no comparision to the gen 2's as i have had both models.

personally i am one of those t5 guys. i replace my bulbs once a year and even though i hate dropping the $ for 8 bulbs, i dont think ill ever switch out from t5's and ive used mh as well as a couple types of leds, and straightjiggy has a really good price on a ATI powermodule

NYreefNoob thanks man! :)
I did'n even check maxspect I forgot they are on the market... anyway is too late I ordered already one Reeftech Prometheus unit, it should come to my house soon I hope monday or tuesday we will see...

OMG that is killer. I think you will need beer delivery guy pretty soon:) Great built, you really have some serious skills!

Smoq... long time man! thanks bro!
Beer delivery? ;) I'm not sure if I understood you correctly but if you gonna be the beer delivery guy I think I'll die from thirst before you'll get here lol

Wow the tank looks amazing keep up the good job =)

Thanks Angelo :) I will...

You are way under sized on the AI modules for your size tank. Even 4 modules placed perpendicular to the front glass will not cover the 30" unless they are raised to about 12".
I use 2 modules for a 30"x30"x17" cube.

Hey pecan2phat you are absolutely right, i have tried two AI modules above my 30"x30"x24"H cube and was decent but nothing special.
By the way, you are part of the story I wrote above :) the firs tank (102 gal) I builded in US you bought it from me, that was long time ago :)

Seen this beautiful tank inperson few days ago. Very pro build way better than the 2 lfs I used before! The stand are spary painted look awesome! U da man Mark!

Hey Steve, thanks man I'm glad to hear that you like my job :)
was pleasure to meeting you, I wish you'll give me lesson of photography some day ;)

Thanks again guys,


Brooklyn , NY
Rating - 97.7%
126   3   0
Jarret Shark and Dee12dee12 thanks guys !

I spend couple hours yesterday to move rocks and arrange some aquascape, I hate this job however I move them I dont really like the result... I don't know if is only me or you guys have the same problem?
always when I visit friends I like their fish tanks but when watching mine it looks like something is missing...
Anyway I'm already tired of moving the stones and decided to leave them ;)

snapped some picture...


My corals don't looking good after I moved them to new tank :(
It gonna take some time and my hard work to get all colors back...



Brooklyn , NY
Rating - 97.7%
126   3   0
It looks amazing. kudos to you buddy. I have no dought that your sps will come back !!!!! How are the reeftechs ?? Talk to you soon.


Hi Thane thank you very much :)
Reeftechs? I didn't install any yet, I sold my first generation Prometheus some time ago and now I'm waiting for new, second generation the slim one take a look here:


They look much better than first generation in my opinion...
I hope to receive mine soon then we will see.

That's a beautiful look you have there :)

Fix Your Fin Or Get Your Fin Fixed!

Hey DAVMAN how's everything? thank you man! ;)
Call me when you gonna be in my neighborhood maybe you'll find time to stop by ;)

eazy al

onyxx owner
jersey city
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Mark nice tank,UR 1st gen reeftech did justice on UR cube I was amaze how poping the colors on all UR corals ,then I seen UR ai ,and that what UR missing UR lights I like the reeftech better ai No finally get to see UR tank ;) great job u are the man mark.


Brooklyn , NY
Rating - 97.7%
126   3   0
Guys thank you very much for complements, I'm glad someone like my job... :smile:
Couple days ago finally installed my new ReefTech LED fixture, have been busy and I could not get any pics earlyer.
Here is some sample how one unit covering my 48"30" tank:


I'll get more pics and maybe some video soon...
After I moved my sps to new tank they lost colors I want to check how long it takes them to get back, I hope not too long because tank looking ugly :(


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