Ok, I had a bit of an accident yesterday.
First off:
75 gallon
sps and softies + fish
29 gallon sump
I woke up yesterday morning to find that my Dolphin 1200 return pump had stopped during the night and allowed the level in my sump to rise.
This would not have normally been a big deal, except that I had moved my skimmer box down a little in the tank and forgot to readjust it the day before. So water rose above the top of my bulkheads and totally immersed an extra hang-on heater I had temporarily attached to the side of the bulkhead to get me through a rather cold night.(careless I know) My ebo-jager was on the fritz and I had to do something.
So, needless to say, it shorted out the heater and broke , allowing whatever was in my heater to contact the water. This in turn, tripped the breaker on my strips.
Now, here's the bad part. I reset the breaker on my power strips and got my pump working again. The tank had been without flowing water for about 8 hours. I reinstalled the pump in the sump and turned it on.
I never even thought about what was flowing into my tank out of my sump. My liquid alk/Calcium doser had also spilled into the sump.
All of that mixed with the 75 gallons in the tank.
Well, I jumped in the shower to get ready for work and when I got out, i found my heater in the bottom of the sump. My tank was like milk. I freaked out and did an immediate 25% water change and hooked up the Fluval with carbon/heavy metal remover mix, and threw two pieces of poly filter into the holder and ran that all day.
Well, today when I came home, the tank looked fairly normal.
Except, my SPS corals are still not showing any polyp extension.
All of my parameters are fine right now, except Calcium os a little low, but Alk is just about normal.
Is it possible I have killed them? Do SPS corals (monti's and Acro's) react like this to stress, only to come back later?
Sorry so long
Any help would be appreciated.
First off:
75 gallon
sps and softies + fish
29 gallon sump
I woke up yesterday morning to find that my Dolphin 1200 return pump had stopped during the night and allowed the level in my sump to rise.
This would not have normally been a big deal, except that I had moved my skimmer box down a little in the tank and forgot to readjust it the day before. So water rose above the top of my bulkheads and totally immersed an extra hang-on heater I had temporarily attached to the side of the bulkhead to get me through a rather cold night.(careless I know) My ebo-jager was on the fritz and I had to do something.
So, needless to say, it shorted out the heater and broke , allowing whatever was in my heater to contact the water. This in turn, tripped the breaker on my strips.
Now, here's the bad part. I reset the breaker on my power strips and got my pump working again. The tank had been without flowing water for about 8 hours. I reinstalled the pump in the sump and turned it on.
I never even thought about what was flowing into my tank out of my sump. My liquid alk/Calcium doser had also spilled into the sump.
All of that mixed with the 75 gallons in the tank.
Well, I jumped in the shower to get ready for work and when I got out, i found my heater in the bottom of the sump. My tank was like milk. I freaked out and did an immediate 25% water change and hooked up the Fluval with carbon/heavy metal remover mix, and threw two pieces of poly filter into the holder and ran that all day.
Well, today when I came home, the tank looked fairly normal.
Except, my SPS corals are still not showing any polyp extension.
All of my parameters are fine right now, except Calcium os a little low, but Alk is just about normal.
Is it possible I have killed them? Do SPS corals (monti's and Acro's) react like this to stress, only to come back later?
Sorry so long