Hello Everyone, I am new to Reefs.org, but Have been or Reef Central for a While now. I would like you guys to get to know me better, and I think this is how I will tell you my Story.
I wanted SPS only to find out that they need a large amount of light. being 13, I could neither afford or support those huge Metal Halides. I wanted to try LPS, but they also needed a large amount of light. Plus, everyone has SPS or LPS. I wanted something different. Something interesting to look at, but not needing a huge amount of light. Then, I found my answer. Something inexpensive, fun to watch, not needing a huge amount of light, and providing some degree of challenge: Soft corals, Gorgonians and Nonzooxanthellate invertebrates. A couple of months ago, i started my project. I had asked my father to build me a custom NO flourescent fixture. It has four bulbs; 2 Marine-Glo Actinics, and 2 10'000K Power Glo lights. Ballasts were store bought, wire were store bought, and so was everything else, except the Canopy itself, which was actually a used metal halide canopy at one point. It was a great canopy, aluminum, stain proof, and with an acrylic shield. Then, the construction began. I have watched my father working several times and helped him out when he needed it. I do not know how to explain all the "technical stuff", but here are some pics.The light has a reflector, so you cannot see the wires, those pics are without the reflector on.
I really thank my dad for making this project possible.
The current occupants of this system are as follows:
1 Orange Gorgonian (Heavily Spot Fed)
2 Colonies of Tubastrea Sun Polyps. (Fed Every Day)
1 Hawaiian Feather Duster Worm
1 Small frag of Zoanthis which are Brown with Orange Centres.
1 Colony of Green Rhondactis Mushrooms.
3 Small Green Hairy Mushrooms
1 Large Green Hairy Mushroom
3 Pink Bubble Hairy Mushrooms
1 Purple Spotted Mushroom Frag
and a Small FInger Leather.
In the future, I plan to Add:
More species of Mushroom corals.
More Species of Leather Corals.
Definately More Zoanthids.
Green Star Polyps
Christmas Tree Worms
Coco Worm
Black Tubastrea
and possibly some more. (any suggestions?)
Saline Solutions 160 Skimmer
Fluval 304 Canister Filter
200 Watt Ebo-Jager Heater
1 Hagen Powerhead 180 With Rotating Head thingy.
AP1500 Powerhead
5 Gallon Refugium.
I hope some of you might find this thread interesting, if not long. Feel free to post comments, questions, or concerns.
Here are some Pics:
That Tubastrea I rescued from the LFS for $9.99 as well as another colony.
Ah yes, not to forget, I am an avid breeder of Lysmata. I have a lot of time on my hands, and am getting pretty good at it. I haven't raised much offspring just yet, but, its progresss.
Thanks you very much for taking the time to read my thread, and wish you all the best of luck with your tanks. I will post pictures of my corals later on today. 

I really thank my dad for making this project possible.
The current occupants of this system are as follows:
1 Orange Gorgonian (Heavily Spot Fed)
2 Colonies of Tubastrea Sun Polyps. (Fed Every Day)
1 Hawaiian Feather Duster Worm
1 Small frag of Zoanthis which are Brown with Orange Centres.
1 Colony of Green Rhondactis Mushrooms.
3 Small Green Hairy Mushrooms
1 Large Green Hairy Mushroom
3 Pink Bubble Hairy Mushrooms
1 Purple Spotted Mushroom Frag
and a Small FInger Leather.
In the future, I plan to Add:
More species of Mushroom corals.
More Species of Leather Corals.
Definately More Zoanthids.
Green Star Polyps
Christmas Tree Worms
Coco Worm
Black Tubastrea
and possibly some more. (any suggestions?)
Saline Solutions 160 Skimmer
Fluval 304 Canister Filter
200 Watt Ebo-Jager Heater
1 Hagen Powerhead 180 With Rotating Head thingy.
AP1500 Powerhead
5 Gallon Refugium.
I hope some of you might find this thread interesting, if not long. Feel free to post comments, questions, or concerns.
Here are some Pics:

That Tubastrea I rescued from the LFS for $9.99 as well as another colony.

Ah yes, not to forget, I am an avid breeder of Lysmata. I have a lot of time on my hands, and am getting pretty good at it. I haven't raised much offspring just yet, but, its progresss.