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Search results

  1. Woke up to a dead firefish. Why?

    Yesterday, we bought a pair of firefish and a yellow watchman goby. At the LFS, the firefish were in one tank and the goby in another. Got them home, acclimated them and put them in our already cycled QT with perfect parameters. Within minutes, one firefish took to the goby and never left its...
  2. Nitrates/Nitrites too high

    If you're talking about the seachem ammonia alert, we swear by ours. The slightest bit of ammonia and it starts to show light blue over the yellow. We've compared it to the salifert test long enough to know that its very accurate.
  3. How long should I wait to add Purigen after using Amquel?

    I know that using Purigen and Amquel together can be toxic (from what I've been reading). So, if I used Amquel at one point, how long do I need to wait before I can throw in a pack of purigen?
  4. WTB: Two baby O. Clowns

    We'd like to buy 2 baby O. clowns. Our local LFS's just don't have the healthiest fish so we were hoping to buy from someone who breeds them. Please contact us if you have them available. Thanks.
