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  1. please id worm

    Sorry to bump this but I've been scouring the net al l day and it's not a penut worm, spaggetti worm or bristle worm. He's in a tupperware tub at the moment and I'm hesitant to put it in the tank (I'm sumpless) until it's Id'ed What other info can I give you that will help? Thanks
  2. please id worm

  3. please id worm

    Sorry to bump this but I've been scouring the net al l day and it's not a penut worm, spaggetti worm or bristle worm. He's in a tupperware tub at the moment and I'm hesitant to put it in the tank (I'm sumpless) until it's Id'ed What other info can I give you that will help? Thanks
  4. please id worm

    I brought home some culplera today and there was a 5" long brown with a light ring like pattern he looks a bit like a snake. Any ideas? Thanks
  5. A newbie graduates

    I wish I had a camera to show you how pleased I am.But I hope I'm not speaking too soon. I posted about 9 months ago with a disaterous start-up scenario. It was my second tank and I thought I knew what I was doing. Many liitle mistakes equaled a big disater, if I had to put it down to one...
  6. Iodine for coralline growth??

    Just as big a problem as testing or not testing is the fact that dosages are small (difficult to get an accurate reading) and iodine doesn't stick around in the tank for long so it's hard to know how stable your level is- so testing is almost worthless. I do dose but only about two drops every...
  7. Sudden loss of fish...HELP!

    Matt, Ph the problem? Possible yes, probable, I don't know. I speak from bad experiences in my tank. The best thing I can recommend if you think Ph may be suspect, is to test just as your lights are going out and then again in the middle of the night or dark period and then again before lights...
  8. Sudden loss of fish...HELP!

    I'd second Dave Lin's opinion on lack of oxygen. Due to the fact it happened overnight, it could also be a large drop in Ph. Sorry to hear of your loss.
  9. Running Kalkwasser & Calcium reactors in tandem

    Mouse, Sorry for the off topic post but I noticed you live in London, as I do. Can I ask where you like to do your shopping? Regards, cstar
  10. Clicking is freaking me out!

    Only snail deaths concerning turbos have been falling on the back problems. I have had some tee tiny snails go MIA (I would not necessarily suspect foul play). I do have clownfish, but I've only had them since May. That could possibly explain the louder clicks recently. I have a blood...
  11. Clicking is freaking me out!

    I've heard quiet clicking (mostly at night) ever since I started my tank up a year ago. Early on I set traps to no avail. No fish has ever been injured or disappeared so I started to ignore it. But these days it's starting to get a little louder and I'm getting worried. I really don't want...
  12. Exciting new tank, help please!

    Gobiewan I'm liking your suggestions...similar to what I had in mind. What particular qualities made you suggest those fish? I'm concerned about leaving in the damsels, or attemping to get them out! Wouldn't they become trigger snack? Thanks
  13. Exciting new tank, help please!

    I would have complete control over what goes in the tank. Perhaps they'd be willing to sping for a skimmer. I'll get the excact measurements and get back to you. Perhaps it was a bit wider than my guestamate, it looked challenging but doable as SW. Oxygen exchange and access are obviously the...
  14. Exciting new tank, help please!

    Good news: I have a unique opportunity to take over a tank in a local restaurant. (Just finished cycling, currently contains a good amount of LR and 2 damsels) Bad news: It's about 3 feet high and 4 feet long and only 1 foot wide and it has only basic equipment (an Enheim pro and florecent...
  15. Poll: What would you add to your tank if you could?

    volitan lion fish
  16. hang on back modifications

    My Scum sucker is sending quite a few bubbles into the tank even with the "elbow attachment" that points the outtake to the surface. Any ideas how I can further reduce the bubbles in the tank? Thanks
  17. Poll - Best looking fish

    I can't believe no one has mentioned my favorite, the lemon peel angel.
  18. What got you started??

    When I was growing up in Florida I was always facinated by the amazing tanks in restarurants and hotels. My father and uncle had tanks growing up and I must have got that gene.
