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Search results

  1. lfs store in long island

    Tropical island is in deer park on rt 231 south of the LIE. Exit 51 and head south its on the right in a strip mall
  2. lfs store in long island

    Hey guys Sorry my bad. Mixed up Tropical Showcase with Tropical Island. Mike really is a good guy with nice stuff. What I said earlier still holds true about Tropical Showcase though
  3. lfs store in long island

    Sorry Tropical Island isn't worth the gas to travel there let alone a speeding ticket unless you're into overpriced common fish and corals. Also the owner usually has a bad attitude if you can even find him around. About the only things there worth the trip are freshwater plants and some African...
  4. The Blue Lagoon...

    LMAO, But seriously there is a company that makes round skylights which generate an incredible amount of light. They're about 10" round and the first time I was in a room with one I went to shut the lights only to find out it was the skylight and not the electric co. 2 of these over a 4-6' tank...
  5. Mixing Gobies?

    lol my 30 has a 4" naso tang ,3 perculas,a yellow watchman,a barred goby, a clown goby,2 anthias, a pygmy angel and a trigamma?goby 2 blood shrimp and various lps sps polyps zoas worms and mushrooms. Nitrates 0 phosphates 0 tested weekly (usually) w salifert kits weekly water changes (ro/di) gac...
  6. Electric Flame Scallop

    My flame scallop is going on 18 months so far. I feed live rotifers when I can or DT's phytoplankton alternating with oyster eggs. My gorgonia and other crals seem to like this just fine too. Imo if you feed your other filter feeders the scallop should also do fine barring injury or poor water...
  7. lfs store in long island

    The only line in aqua hut IS the fax. He hasn't answered the phone in 20 years and doesn't plan too. Don't know the place in babylon but hes not gc gc is in centereach on the other side of LI from babylon and further east
  8. What salt mix do you use?

    Don't be surprised. Most people buy what's available and/or cheapest. I used to use HW marinemix and when I couldn't find it for a while switched to the Tropic Marin. If you have the room and spare cash but it in the bulk bag or barrel and its actually pretty cheap and always been good for me...
  9. HeLLp!!!!!

    Ditto to above. Water changes a must, if you can do 10% to 15% daily its a good idea. Don't wait to buy ro filter most lfs sell ro for 40cents to $1.00 a gallon so buy some fast and start changing. `As to test kits api is a basic kit which will tell you somethings wrong and red is off the scale...
  10. where do you work??

    Just took over an animal feeds business today.(for real today) We are based in central LI and carry feed for everything from parakeets to elephants (horses, parrots,rabbits chickens, goats ,koi etc).Will have an official Grand opening in a few weeks and anyone who is a MR member will be...
  11. Anyone a Mechanic?

    Wow, I can't believe I just read 9 pages of crap. Someone asks for help Motor offers to do so very reasonably and 10 people some mechanics and some wannabes jump in to say why hes wrong or how they can do it better or that saabs and vws suck. I noticed that no one asked why change the belt and...
  12. New Elegance from Manhattan Aquariums

    Sweet elegance. Remember they need to be fed, silversides or bits of shrimp work well. And yes they do need space, a happy elegance will swell 2-3 times the size you saw it in the store in most cases
  13. Good prices on aquariums?

    depends on what you call local. Fishtown in bayside queens is pretty good for that stuff but the best prices for tanks and setups anywhere I've seen is in Suffolk county. GC fish and reef in Selden and Aqua-hut in coram are probably the NY areas lowest priced hardgoods shops
  14. anyone have marine plants in there tank

    Nice planted tank. There are some very nice looking macros out there just saw a dragons tongue(awesome little plant) and want one myself. Halimeda are slow growing not too invasive and do help water quality BUT they do absorb a lot of calcium and will die off without it so you need to dose.
  15. Smoq's 34g Solana- it tastes like salt for the first time!

    Great looking tank. Wish I had read this thread before you got the twin spots though. They need lots of live food to do well or else they slowly starve. Tigger pods are a good way to supplement your tanks natural supply and a good idea would be to add a bottle of them to the sump. I have blood...
  16. Lets Do Some Car Talking People...

    Suggestion, Take a look at some of the supermustangs out there now. 5-650 horses stock. Quick comfy and stylish in a retro kind of way might appeal to him. Not much out there to beat him in the street times are awesome for a streeter from the dealer and they do hold value. I've seen way too...
  17. can someone tell me the value of this coral???

    Every polyp zoo acan lps and sps and even most inverts are rare somewhere, especially if the guy only has 1 in his store. I once saw someone buy a rare morph of a catfish from a tank next to 15 of its cousins. The seller said this one was so rare that only a black and white drawing of it...
  18. The Blue Lagoon...

    fyi my 66 442 was street legal and did 11 second 1/4 miles with regular gas and tires.
  19. The Blue Lagoon...

    Yo motor, Yes, I was joking. I am a car guy too or else I wouldn't know how many seconds is or isn't fast for a 1/4 mile. Also I only purposely insult complete blockheads and from what Ive read of your posts you aren't so peace it was just a joke. BTW a decent digital camera with settings that...
  20. The Blue Lagoon...

    2 questions 1) Will the racecar actually do a 1/4 mile in under 15 seconds and 2) is the computer an xbox? But seriously, if you buy corals online and aren't extremely confident of the source then you get what you deserve. Far too many lfs are going out of business because...
