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Search results

  1. ID HELP I'm guessing Cryptoplax larvaeformis??

    It would be a big flatworm. It's about as thick as my thumb. Here's some more pics. The problem with getting a better pic is it only comes out a night. The first pic is in total darkness. These other 2 pics are on the rare occasion it came out right before the lights turned off. If needed I'll...
  2. ID HELP I'm guessing Cryptoplax larvaeformis??

    From the descriptions I get of Cryptoplax larvaeformis this creature is to long. It's about 6"-7" long. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
  3. Most accurate water test kit?

    I'll give another vote for Salifert kits. I dealt with a Alk problem for about a month before I realized it was the cheap test kit I was using and not my Alk. I'll never go there again. Started using Salifert and never looked back.
  4. Someone want to tell me what the hell this is?

    I think it's Elvis.
  5. Hitchhiker images? You have?

    Hey everyone new to your site. This is a neat thread. Here's my contribution. It's been in my 260 for about a year. Stays in the general vicinity of one rock. When it's just sitting there it's about 4" long. I've seen it stretch 8"-9" to another rock when it moves. Best ID I've got on it is a...
