IMO it's fine to add sand first then live rock at the same time when cycling out a tank, Let the tank run its course as the bottle is a lot of propaganda! In fact I'm also willing to bet that you will cycle out in under 8 weeks due to the rock and sand....However, my question is why would you...
Well is this 3" of dry sand or is the system running now as we speak?? The reason why I ask this is because if the system is still intact as we speak then when you break it down for transportation and reassemble u will get a few spikes with your water parameters. Now if the system is dry then...
Hey I was looking through my gun bag but no good I know I had the kit for the stock reg but I can't find it :irked: I do have a bunch of stock stuff though you want to go to stingrays as I'm sure alex could get it for you....Sorry again man
Just my 2 cents but I'm willing to bet that your Phosphates are running a little high!! It is imperative that you acquire and test for this regardless if it comes from a lfs RO-unit when was the last time they changed their cartridge's on the unit?!? You would also want to cut back on the...
Wow looks like I missed a really good PaintBall trip with u guys.....That's what I get for not checking in on the board on a regular basis :irked:....So when is the next trip out
Erythromycin will only clear red/slime (cyanobacteria) for a short period of time as it is a bacteria and erythromycin is for bacterial infections. Hence, you will still need to check levels,cut back on feedings and start looking into either an RO unit or Phosban reactor as erythromycin is just...
Really sounds like your phosphates are out of wack. I think you should invest in a salifert (Seachem if you have a Chemistry Degree) test kit and see what your phosphate levels are running at, Cutting back on the feeding will help as well.
Coraline is something that will usually appears as the system matures. In the past during the summer months I would dose a gallon of kalk daily (Yes DAILY)to offset evaporation and in the winter I would use to Kent turbo-calcium and my levels would range from 480 to 510 and Coraline would be...