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Search results

  1. AP24 with livestock Ocean County, NJ

    I'll take $400
  2. AP24 with livestock Ocean County, NJ

    John are you taking the sand and liverock with the rest of the livestock?
  3. AP24 with livestock Ocean County, NJ

    AquaPod 24 PC lighting, stand. 20lbs sand 25lbs live rock 1 clownfish snails and hermits 2 pepermint shrimp mj1200 pump Korila nano Power strip and 3 timers test kits Will NOT part out Tank is well established. 1 year old. asking $400 email
  4. 2 Pepermint Shrimp FT Ocean County, NJ

    Looking to trade 2 pepermint shrimp for some zoa frags.
  5. 55 Gal. Freshwater with Livestock Ocean County, NJ

    Full set-up.55 gallon tank with wood stand, Fluval 404 filter, air pump, everything. Tank has been up for 3 years and is very healthy. Tetras and a big pleco come with it. I'm asking $175. Email for pictures Thanks, J
  6. Zoos - FS

    Would you consider meeting me a little more south of bergen county? If so I may buy 2 or 3.
  7. Zoas for sale, in Old Bridge NJ!

    I'm interested in pic #2. Can I pick it them up Monday afternoon?
