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Search results

  1. Flash Sale!!

    I like... it
  2. $5 & $10

    Hi John what
  3. LIRA Frag Swap 4/21/18

    I have a very healthy secretive wrasse for trade, some nice zoas or shroom would do... hit me up if you want to trade. My cell # 7186759961, I'll be at the swap.
  4. FS: wrasses

  5. Yellow belly Hippo 4?, Mystry Wrasse 3?

    Interested in the mystery wrasse. Text me at +17186759961, thanks.
  6. LIRA Frag Swap 4/21/18

  7. 3/6 Weather Update + Fish

  8. For sale or trade wrasse

    I have a secretive wrasse that?s bullying my leopard wrasse, I prefer to part with it than my leopard so I?ll trade for Zoas or sell it for $20 bought it for $30, I?m in Huntington Station, let me know if interested.
  9. Fishtown Closing?

    I was there Monday and one of the employees told me that they are closing but the manager in charge is planing to reopen the store perhaps retain the name in a location very close by.
  10. New Stock and Weekend Deals!!

    How much for leopard wrasse
  11. wtb a nano or bio cube

    I have a 5 gallon fluval sea evo 3 weeks old.
  12. Live Stock Sale - Shutting down 400 Gallon Reef Tank -

    Interested in leopard wrasse
  13. Selling my 2 maxspect razor and new chiller

    Ok To text at 7186759961
  14. Selling my 2 maxspect razor and new chiller

    Im selling as a package my 2 max spect razor like new 20" each, and my Eco plus chiller 1/10 used last summer for 3 weeks It's new, I thought I was coming back to hobby but just bought a house.., money is a little short... Needless to say I'm not getting a tank anytime soon. Price as whole is...
  15. Buy/sell/trade

    I have a 75 gallon with stand and sump. Overflow is broken (easy fix) can trade for small system maybe like 20 gallon
  16. This Week's Livestock 12-14-14

    Nice selection
  17. Emergency!!!

    Don't have any space.
  18. Emergency!!!

    Forgot to mention a maroon clown fish...
