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  1. Reef Fish Cookies; A Build Thread by @thatfishcookieguy

    Hello Reefs.com! My name is Jason Langer but I'm better known as "That Fish Cookie Guy." I make custom cut out sugar cookies that I decorate to look like various species of reef fish; or an occasional cephalopod or copepod. I started making the reef fish cookies back in February 2013. My...
  2. jlanger's Rebooted 120gal Arts&Crafts Inspired Reef

    Hello Reefs.com! I have been keeping a long build thread(s) of my 120gal reef system on my local forum and I thought I would share a condensed version of it with you on here. Here's what my reef system looked like at the start of 2021. This system was set up in 2018 after I had torn down a...
