gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Search results

  1. Evolution LED Lights at the Swap

    Evolution LED Lights will have a table at the swap showing off the latest 2w Dimmable "EVO" LED's, also the Fan Cooled "EvoSpot" PAR 30's and an "EvoSlim" in 3w to show. I will bring some EVO dimmables to sell as well, but have a limited amount of them I can bring with me through the airport...
  2. Reefkoi is bringing the best of the best to the swap

    I loaded 2 huge boxes of corals this morning onto a plane from colorado bound for NYC! I will have stuff nobody else will, including a couple huge blasto wellsi about 1.5" or larger opened up! I have never seen blastos this big. I loaded over 20 of the best Ultra grade clams I've ever had...
