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Search results

  1. Methylene Blue

    Good morning all. I am in Orange County looking to find somewhere that sells methylene blue today to try and treat a sick blue hippo tang. Anyone know a spot in orange/Rockland/Bergen county that stocks it?
  2. Reef Crystals Price

    I usually buy a few at a time so it’s been a couple of months since I had to buy salt. What’s up with price of reef crystal?
  3. Melanurus health question

    Last couple days it looks like this guy has something affecting it’s health. Dorsal fin is beat up now his side looks like it’s getting beat up. Mouth on the bottom looks like a chunk is missing too. 6 years old eating no other issues in the tank. No new additions. What does it look like to you?
  4. Fragging sinularia

    Hey all, I have to trim this guy down it’s getting two big and staring to take over. Question is, can I frag it right in the tank? It’s attached to two rocks which would be a pain to take out and put back in. Probably 2” thick where the cut would be.
  5. Nudi on torch??

    Is this a nudi of some kind on this torch? It looks like a white body rather large to be a flatworm of some kind.
  6. Heater Element

    I am tired of the search….what element is cost effective and will last more than a year? I run 2 x 500w or 600w on my set up. 2/3 BRS elements have died in the past 18 months so not putting another one is the sump even if BRS replaces the last one again for nothing. Or do I give up and just...
  7. 120g for sale-sold

    Selling my 120g set up as we get ready to finish our basement. This is a 48” long tank with stand and canopy. Will sell everything as a package or break down the tank and sell tank, stand, canopy separate. Tank is up and running with no fish but filled with Xenia, leathers, ricordea, and yes...
  8. Crab ID

  9. Macro

    Anyone have lots of different macro for fuge? Looking for different strains and colors for a display fuge tied into main display. Ideally would like to pick up 5+ varieties.
  10. Display refugium

    Considering doing a display refugium in my 75g. It is hard not to consider after seeing some pictures of insanely clean macro tanks which would add all kinds of life and balance to a system. I figure is I overstock the display that would feed plenty of nutrients for macro. Something like this...

    Reef Crystal $34 160g bucket. Can’t beat that price!
  12. Tank Thread New House/New Tank

  13. Cylinder Aquarium

    Pros & cons? Settled into our new house and based on layout and furniture a cylinder tank is likely the best fit. The space has high ceilings and tank will be in the corner so not able to walk around it completely but because of a window square or corner tank doesn’t really work. I want to be...
  14. Reef Trends Shout Out

    Thank you to all that recommended Reef Trends (Dave & Allen). These guys drove over an hour to me, started at 10am and didn’t finish until 3am moving my 120g w/55g sump. I didn’t make it easy since the move was to the unfinished basement of our unfinished house to avoid moving the tank again in...
  15. Moving Tank

    Well, looks like I am going to have to move our 120g twice since our new home won’t be ready when we close on the sale of our current home at the end of December. First, should I just hire professionals since it’s now winter and I really don’t want to lose livestock? The second move won’t be...
  16. Dino Outbreak

    Went away for a few days and came home to Dino outbreak. Had a little Cyano but no other issues for months. Any suggestions on remedy? Tank is stocked with fish, LPS, and softies.
  17. Pistol Shrimp/Midas Blenny Pair?

    So I was taking a look at the tank when I got home tonight and next thing I know my candy cane pistol comes out of the hole in the rock where our Midas blenny has made his primary home. The blenny didn?t move, just stayed there as the pistol came out, wandered not far and back up next to the...
  18. White pod/egg/idk on rock

    Not sure what these are. They look almost like and egg or something. They are every where. Eventually they flap in the water and fall off?
  19. Cespitularia

    So I just picked up a large piece. Do I need to put it on an island? Reading mixed reviews on how invasive it gets vs Xenia.
  20. ATO recommendation

    It?s time to set up an ATO to a reservoir. I want to run the reservoir from around 15? away from the sump. I have no vertical height to worry about other than the sump height and what over container I go with for the reservoir. Not looking to spend $100s but want to ensure as much check on flood...
