gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Search results

  1. WTB:Blue Wave 7 Dual HQI 250W Metal Halide

    Blue Wave 7 Dual HQI 250W Metal Halide Ballast by Sunlight Supply. One side of my ballast is not working the capacitor went bad I'm about to purchase a new ballast, unless another option arises so does anyone need to get rid of one$$$
  2. Fs/Ft: Coris Wrasse 3"

    He's in my sump in a holding container, pickup in Brooklyn 11225 And i would prefer a trade zoa, Lps, Softy... or $25
  3. Can someone ID this crab???

    found it in a frag i got today...
  4. Feedback on Overflow Box.

    I know Aquatraders is not a recomended website, but I just wanted opinions on there overflow boxes and if anyone has experience with one. Thanks
  5. FS: Sailfin Tang 5''-6'' $40

    Very heaithy and active fish.
  6. WTB: Implella for Sedra 5000 ???

    The impelles is for my ASM G3 skimmer. Does any one know where I can get one?
  7. Skimmer collection cup drain tap.

    I want to add a drain to my ASM G3 skimmate collection cup. Does any one know where or by whom i can have it drilled, last resort i will attempt to do it my self but i dont want to purchase a specialised bit for this one project. Thanks for your assistance in advance, Dennis
  8. WTB: PhosBan Reactor and Filter socks.

    Need these items to improve water quality.
  9. Pinpont PH Monitor.

    I am looking for a Pinpoint PH Monitor if possible I can pickup at the frag swap.
  10. F/S: Yellow Tang.

    I have a Yellow Tang, very healthy. but want to swap him out of my tank for another fish. I am asking $15 or a frag or two.
  11. How to eliminate red slime algae (cyno)?

    It's everywhere.
