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  1. Need help cycling new tank

    The new setup is doing well because I took out the fish and added live rock. I spent $2000 over the weekend on live rock, protein skimmer, metal halide lighting and some other accessories. I hope this method works better.
  2. Need help cycling new tank

    well, as suggested I have taken my first step. I bought a book and I am going to start reading it this afternoon and hope to finish it over the weekend. I talked to the local fish store and they are willing to take the fish and store them until I am ready for them. They are going to charge me...
  3. Need help cycling new tank

    ok thanks for the info. If you are sure about this live rock maybe I will give it a try. My way hasn't been working so well. I will also buy that good book.
  4. Need help cycling new tank

    yes, save-the expos, I will listen. that is why I came here. I am looking for help. I am willing to spend money to get a good system. I have alot of money available to me from a trust account left to me by my grandparents so i can afford to do this right. Thanks for your kind response...
  5. Need help cycling new tank

    **** you, reefsRcool!!!
  6. Need help cycling new tank

    I am 23. I don't need to be abused by you people. I came here for help, not to be told to "find another hobby". I was told that this was a helpful bulleting board, so please be nice
  7. Need help cycling new tank

    right now i have some crushed coral at the bottom of the tank. I don't have any live rock because I believe it is a scam. what kind of fool would pay $7/pound for rock? I don't get it. what is the purpose? I have a real good canister filter I got from my cousin's old tank. I also have a...
  8. Need help cycling new tank

    I set up a new 50 gallon reef system. I have had it set up for 11 days now and my fish keep dying. So far I have 2 purple tangs, 1 damsel, 1 yellow tang, 1 powder blue and a small trigger that are still living. My anenomies already died (at least I think they are dead) as well as several...
  9. Ammonia levels

    I have a doctor friend that is able to determine the Ammonia levels of various aquariums just by looking at them. Apparently he is able to detect the minor changes in color due to Ammonia levels. Does anyone else have this ability? Does anyone know how to teach this process so we can save...
