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  1. lighting article in FAMA 4/02

    I'm about to set up my first saltwater tank (a 75 gal. FOWLR tank, eventually w/ clams & other photosynthetic inverts), & after reading a lot about lighting (here & elsewhere) had basically decided to go w/ metal halide & PC actinics. However, the author of the article mentioned above claims...
  2. And you think YOU have an algae problem...

  3. Please comment on my planned stock list...

    I wondered about this question for a while too, but a lot of what I've seen lately has explained why we don't read a lot about stocking levels in many of the newer books. Robert Fenner has some good information about this on his site- here's a link: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/stocking1.htm
  4. heater selection

    I've searched through the library here, at Reef Central, & other places, but I've found few threads re: the different brands of heaters. I've heard a few good things about Ebo Jaeger heaters, but little else. It's not the biggest expense, but I'd hate to buy a bad one- does anyone have any...
  5. shimek

    I work at a bookstore & have been trying to get it myself. The new "official" date is 5/1/01, but both the publisher & vendor have told me the end of March. I'll post a message as soon as it's out.
  6. What you think newbies should know

    Actually, I think the article in the link and the one in the mag are the same thing. [ February 07, 2002: Message edited by: KJHawley ]</p>
  7. What you think newbies should know

    <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by GMarsch: <strong> I am very excited about keeping a reeftank, especially one that represents a consistent biome. I am intersted in one day keeping a Red Sea tank. Any good sources for...
  8. Catching a coral beauty?

    I've been planning on setting up my first reef tank with (among other fish) a coral beauty and flame angel, having heard that most of these will leave coral polyps alone. I take it from this thread that this is probably not a good idea? Have any of you had sucess with coral beauties or flame...
  9. pre-plumbed vs. H.O.T. overflow reliability

    After several years of running freshwater tanks, I'm planning on starting my first saltwater tank- probably a 55 gal. fish only or FOWLR at first, without a sump. Eventually, I'd like to add a sump, and therefore an overflow. I like the idea of building as much of it myself as I can- I'm...
