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Hi James,
I know you are going to hate me but could you please(pretty please with cherries on top) scan the chapter for this week.
I have emailed Eric's publisher so I can get an urgent copy sent over but as our email is playing up(since Sat) I can not check to see when and how it will arrive.
Thanks again,


I will scan the Aquarium Corals reading assignment for Week 7 and that will be the last scan I do for AC under this arrangement.

After that, you will need to either purchase the book, or offer additional compensation for this service. The options are:

Purchase the widely available book from an American vendor:

$40 for book, + $50 for international Fedex

Paypal me an additional $25 per week for the service. If "X" ppl use the scans, then you can split the cost among yourselves $25/X

As stated previously above, I will not be scanning AC after this week (Called Week 7).


Reefs.org Channel Operator


I certainly hope you are joking... however I am not laughing.

When the required textbooks were originally posted for this course, Aquarium Corals was only recommended reading. However, once the course started it was obvious that it was, in fact, required reading.

Even though the book was only "recommended" reading, I ordered it on February 22, with the promise from the vendor that it would take 3 weeks to arrive. It is now 12 weeks later, I have been out of pocket for AU$75 and I still do not have the book! And now you are expecting us to spend a further AU$175 to get this book.

The only alternative you offer is a charge of $AU50 per week to scan the books.

So it is our fault the book is so hard to get??????

Could someone please explain what the US$50 charge was at the beginning of the course? If I drop out of the course now, how much of that can I get back?

[This message has been edited by ATJ (edited 15 May 2001).]


Week 7 AC reading posted in texts folder / Aq Corals Week7.



I emailed Eric a few days ago asking if he had spare copies he could send but as he had to fly out he suggested I email his publisher which I have done and they are going to send and hopefully we will receive within the week.



Please don't misunderstand me, I am making every reasonable effort to provide YOU with FREE downloads of Eric's book.

As I asked last week (And I believe I deserve an answer) How long do you expect me to do this for?

I would like to humbly suggest that you cancel your order with the current vendor, reorder the book from a US vendor, and have it shipped to you Fed-ex.

Please just disregard that I mentioned I will do further scans of the Aquarium Corals book for an additional fee. That was a mistake on my part and I apologize.

James Wiseman

Reefs.org Channel Operator


Looks like I have been out of the loop again.

Tehlia, Did you get word back from the publisher ?....maybe I should cancel my order and go directly through them aswell.

James, We three down underlings really do appreciate all you have done.....its just frustrating that we cant get hold of the tools required in a more conventional fashion. Thanks for all you have done in the past.




I can have a copy of the book in each of your hands in 3 days if you will cancel your orders and buy the books from an American vendor. Premium Aquatics has the book for around $35 US. I will ship them international FedEx if you want.

If you're not willing to do that, then you are willing to wait to get the books. They have been available from Premium Aquatics since the start of the course, as posted in previous threads.


Reefs.org Channel Operator


Hi James,

Thanks for the extra effort. It has been frustrating for all of Us the long wait for the books (I'm still waiting for EIS vol 2 and AC). I will cancel the book order for AC with my vendor tomorrow.

Please let Us know how to pay You (or P.A.)for the AC book shipped via FedEx (in my case to Mexico City).

Best regards.



I am not a business, I'm a person.

What's I'm offering is to "facilitate" this transaction. I will "pester" whoever you buy it from relentlessly and ensure that you get it in a timely manner.

I recommend you get it from www.premiumaquatics.com but I am in no way affiliated w/ them.


Reefs.org Channel Operator


I have been pestering them relentlessly but in vain - as I have already stated numerous times. On each occassion they have told me the book would arrive in 3 weeks. Up until now all I have been able to do is believe them. I would rather not spend US$50 to save a couple of weeks - especially when it was still early.

Eric also promised (see 4-25-log.txt) to ensure I got a copy of the book and I forwarded my correspondence with the Oz vendor to Eric and he passed that onto the publisher. That has made no difference. I'm not sure why Eric didn't make the same offer to me as he did to Tehlia.

Anyway, I now have a copy winging its way from Microcosm.


How did you pay microcosm ?....I sent you a reply email about mailing the money order....did they ship the book with out reieving payment ?



I don't know about ordering EIS from the US, I got mine from an aussie site (email to: [email protected] (Andrew Isles Natural History Books)

They got it to me in 4 days (and I live in the Rural areas of SE US). they are in stock now.

Tom <"{{{{>(
Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something -Plato


See? TDWYATT ordered his EIS book from an OZ vendor and he lives in the US. He got it WEEKS before anyone in the US who ordered from Tuttle. Strange eh? Ozzies had no trouble getting EIS locally.

Whelp, this is the way of the "global marketplace." You folks in OZ may need to order Eric's book from a US vendor.

Reefs.org Channel Operator


I ordered EIS 1+2 and AC four weeks ago from Amazon.com. (I started the course late.) I received EIS 1+2 within two weeks, and will hopefully receive EIS 2 within a week or so. That's from Amazon, ordered WEEKS after the main rush for the books. I did look around a bit, and only ordered from suppliers who guaranteed to ship in a timely manner.

In addition, since this isn't exactly a course for college credit, it doesn't particularly matter what books you get on time. As I said above, I started the class weeks late. I'm trying to catch up as fast as possible, and even caught up enough to fail miserably on the last quiz. However, I consider $50 US to be a bargain for the shear amount of organized information we are getting as well as the great discussions involved. I probably won't finish the ASSIGNED reading until after the course, and I'll probably never get to do the labs since I am just setting up my new reef tank (I just moved) but I still consider MACO a great experience. Just my humble opinion, but I'm still greatful for all of the help. I know that with all of the information, it's easy to feel overwhelmed, and the availability of the books was no doubt frustrating, but keep in mind that James and Eric aren't exactly getting paid great sums for this project and are putting a great deal of time and though into the whole thing.

Josh Fox


Wow Josh!,

How did You do that? I ordered from Amazon EIS 1 & 2, AC and Sorokin's book twelve weeks ago and I'm still waiting for EIS 2 (it will be available next month), I received an e-mail telling that AC is not available until further notice, and Sorokin's book will be available next July. I've just received EIS 1.

I don't understand this.

Yesterday I cancelled AC and I've ordered it from Premium Aquatics (thanks to James post).

I do agree with You. I'm traveling constantly so I've a lot of pending reading, so it will be very difficult to finish the reading on time. Nevertheless I'm sure that the information we've got here will be very useful for years to come.


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