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Advanced Reefer
Floral Park, NY
Rating - 85.7%
12   2   0
Hey guys, I have a few things laying around just collecting dust. Im not looking for any money for them but if you had a few extra frags or something i'd hand the stuff over to you, maybe you can make use of it. If i cant find anyone willing to trade some corals i'd be willing to just give the stuff away. It is all in working order.

2 - Pengiun HOB filters. I know the bigger one is a 170 not too sure about the small one.

1 - acrylic tube and collection cup (would be good for a diy skimmer)

50-75 - Blue bio balls


  • 07-28-05_0120.jpg
    19.7 KB · Views: 58
  • 07-28-05_0121.jpg
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Advanced Reefer
Floral Park, NY
Rating - 85.7%
12   2   0
sounds good BC, yeah a picture would be nice but if not dont worry about it. Im just looking to get rid of the stuff.

* The tube and collection cup are gone. *

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