I was wondering if anyone can spare a small bag of crushed coral. I heard it is good for raising my PH if I put a small bag full of it into my filtration system.
I actually have CC in my cichlid tank and it does buffer the pH. As I also put some in my hob filter for my freshwater planted tank to help neutilize my driftwood lowering my pH.
The thing about CC is that it also raises the nitrate and phoshate, as Jhale can testify. I have a bag of it, that is from a old setup. Need a good cleaning if you still want it.
Thank you all for your warm welcome. Please allow me to introduce myself. I have been keeping freshwater fish for about three years (and discus for the last two). Recently, I got an offer I couldn't refuse, so I ended up purchasing everything from a person moving. I currently have a 75G Tencor acrylic tank witha FOWLR setup. It has the Tencor filtration system with live rocks as the media. I also have an AquaC protein skimmer. According to Tencor, I should have a bag of crushed coral to buffer my PH. I hate to waste a ten pound bag when as I need is a handful.
The tank was moved to my place and has been running since Tuesday. I just did a water test. The results of my FOWLR setup is as follows:
SG 32 - 1.024
Temp 76F
PH 8.1
Ammonia <0.25
Nitrite 0.15
Nitrate 25
CTXMONITOR, thank you for your help. That would be wonderful. I would love to pick it up. Please IM with your contact information. Thanks!
I don't think you can buffer your water anymore with CC in a filter if you are running a FOWLR tank. Our tank water PH is too high to dissolve the CC for any buffering effect. Try baking soda if your alk becomes a issue, use kalk if PH gets too low while adding baking soda.