Hey all!
So, I have a bit of an emergency situation. My Mombasa Lion hasn't been eating very well for a couple of weeks. Outwardly he looks ok, his eyes are not cloudy (which is something that happens with these Lions), but he's not eating and has spent the last couple of days sitting at the bottom of the tank. I'm working these days about 15hrs a day and just don't have the time to set up a QT to try to nurse him back to health. What I propose is that if someone has a QT system set up and wants a Lion - you can have him for free to see if he makes it through. If he does he's yours for $30 (I paid $65). If he doesn't, it's my loss - in more ways than one! He's a very cool fish, has never hidden, would always come up begging for food when he was healthy. Hasn't touched any shrimp (I have 2 skunks and 1 blood red) or any other fish in my tank (including a Purple Pseudo.)
I hate to part with him, but just can't nurse him back to health at this point; not enough time in the day. Not sure why he's taken this turn - I've kept up with water changes and all my other fish (including a Hippo Tang) are healthy and eating like champs.
Since he's already not in the best of health time is of the essence! I'm in Queens, just past Forest Hills. Just off Queens Blvd.
So, I have a bit of an emergency situation. My Mombasa Lion hasn't been eating very well for a couple of weeks. Outwardly he looks ok, his eyes are not cloudy (which is something that happens with these Lions), but he's not eating and has spent the last couple of days sitting at the bottom of the tank. I'm working these days about 15hrs a day and just don't have the time to set up a QT to try to nurse him back to health. What I propose is that if someone has a QT system set up and wants a Lion - you can have him for free to see if he makes it through. If he does he's yours for $30 (I paid $65). If he doesn't, it's my loss - in more ways than one! He's a very cool fish, has never hidden, would always come up begging for food when he was healthy. Hasn't touched any shrimp (I have 2 skunks and 1 blood red) or any other fish in my tank (including a Purple Pseudo.)
I hate to part with him, but just can't nurse him back to health at this point; not enough time in the day. Not sure why he's taken this turn - I've kept up with water changes and all my other fish (including a Hippo Tang) are healthy and eating like champs.
Since he's already not in the best of health time is of the essence! I'm in Queens, just past Forest Hills. Just off Queens Blvd.
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