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Sump is 3/8" cast acrylic and measures 23.75"*20.75"*12.75".


This is one of my first sumps. The seams aren't clear but they're strong and hold water. I used the sump for a few months and then decided to build another. The eurobrace isn't edged well (I didn't but you could sand it to avoid any scrapes) and the two baffles are attached with silicone on one side and weldon on the other. If you cut the silicone the baffles will come out easy. Has 3 holes, the lower one is for a 1.5" bulkhead and the upper two are for 1" bulkheads. The eurobrace has a small section missing for an auto topoff. It needs to be cleaned but a little work and the sumps could be very nice. I spent around $150 just for materials so I'm selling it for much less at $50. Please understand that there is no warranty or guarantee on this. You are more than welcome to water test it on your own or here.

Pickup is near GWB.


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Paul, did this sell?

LMK - Interested


Yep, but remember it needs a little work. There aren't really any scratches I notice but you'll have to clean it up. The tops needs to be routed better, I might be able to do that tomorrow but they will still need to be sanded so they aren't sharp. Removing or putting more baffles will be up to you.

House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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Paul - just want to make sure - I asked if this sold and you said yes, but then go on to say what I would need to do if I bought it - so, is it sold or not? If not, I want it and will paypal you asap - I am not concerned about the looks, if you reroute, that's fine, but I would take it as is.




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Paul take the University Heights bridge over and then get on the major d north, to central ave in yonkers take central ave to the sprain brook parkway which will turn into the taconic state parkway, get off sparin/taconic at the Route 9a exit and follow 9a to jims. No Toll.

University heights bridge is 204th or 205th and 10th ave

House of Laughter

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Ossining, NY
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Both chief and Deanos are right - CHief if you're Northbound - Deanos if you're Southbound. Don't believe there is any free way over the Hudson (Rip Van WInkle Bridge??) that I can remember. Inbound over Bear Mtn Bridge is a buck and reversing Chief's directions gets you back home for free - so, the entire Southbound ride is $1

Hope that helps,



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Deanos, Chief and House - thanks for the directions :). A buck sounds good. Can't believe I didn't know about the bear mtn bridge before. I go that way sometimes but take the palisades to the GWB.

I should be there in the 5-7pm area. I can't be more precise but can give you a call an hour before. I'm heading upstate now so I'll see you on the way down.

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