gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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Well I knew leaving my clown fish w/ my parents was a bad idea :banghead:

I now have a few large Turbo snails in the tank w/ no fish- since my tank is too small for them right now maybe someone wants them for free?

One is the size of a golfball...

Pickup in Jefferson Twp, NJ only - right off rt. 15.

LMK if interested.


Advanced Reefer
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pending pnoy now...

btw- now that I'm thinking of it there will also be a 20g extra tall AGA tank and a Penguin HOB filter (and dead coral deco if you want it...). If Pnoy doesn't want them then they are up for grabs too...


Advanced Reefer
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well I haven't heard from Pinoy again since PMing him so if anyone can pick up in my town in Northern NJ LMK...

Included are a few turbos, and if you want: free 20g extra tall tank, a free HOB Penguin filter, free deal coral deco (its a large piece that looks really cool), and a free Heater...

PM me and LMK!


One to Ignore
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do you have a zip code, so I can map quest Jefferson Twp. When I pulled up the map, the only Jefferson I found was in souther new jeresy, not northern NJ.

I am interested, but want to know what type of travel time I am looking at.

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