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nEw yoRk...
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OKeY reeFers.......b4 i break down and watch my tank collapse!...i need someoNe who is in complete kNOwledge abouT saltwater...thats is willing and available to Help me with the maintnance in my taNK!! i am willing to paY u!!! please hElP me


Barnum Island
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You need to tell us more about the tank:
What size tank is it
How long has it been up
What lighting are you using
Corals- fish?
Are you using ro/di water?
What test kits do you have - red? What nitrate reading correlates to red?

Can you post a pic of the tank?

If the nitrates are high - do a water change to help lower them.
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Ok heres the deal her tank has been up for a couple of years it was a FOWLR she just got into corals about a year ago.She is not running R/O water because someone told her not too thats only for SPS.Im guessing she is using API TEST KIT thats why its reading red..She says everything is fine just the nitrates are crazy ...Its a 55 gallon tank...


Forever Noob
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How LOnG Can I last withOut Doing anYthIng!!!!!!

Because I am Def.. nOt doiNg no Changess WithouT rO......

i'll Minus Well Do It right!

As lOnG as YoU KeEeP TypiNg LikE ThiS is hOw LonG yOu wiLL lAst. lol. Just kidding...

You say your API test kit is red I am assuming that's like 40+ nitrates... I forgot the exact number... but I would try and pick up some Amquel+ to get rid of the nitrates immediately as an emergency measure.

Reef Greek

Active Reefer
Long Island
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Ditto to above. Water changes a must, if you can do 10% to 15% daily its a good idea. Don't wait to buy ro filter most lfs sell ro for 40cents to $1.00 a gallon so buy some fast and start changing. `As to test kits api is a basic kit which will tell you somethings wrong and red is off the scale. Kinda like using a smoke detector to tell if your food is cooked


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Please help I have just got three new firefish for my 20g nano reef tank two are doing just fine. But the third was not coming out much and now I seen it on the side of tank not swimming good at all. I moved him to A 3g holding tank by it self and now I see he has lost some of the red color in its tail and it looks like some of his top tail fin is A bit damaged. He is moving still but is upside down or on his side mostly. Can anyone tell me what is happening to him and can I save his life?


Experienced Reefer
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lol. u shoulda started ur own thread dude.

tail fin a bit damaged seems like he''s been a victim of aggression. what other fish do you have in the tank?
anyways you can try to save the fish by keeping him in an aerated/heated tank with the lights out.

maybe a drop of vitamin c might help



Forever Noob
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Please help I have just got three new firefish for my 20g nano reef tank two are doing just fine. But the third was not coming out much and now I seen it on the side of tank not swimming good at all. I moved him to A 3g holding tank by it self and now I see he has lost some of the red color in its tail and it looks like some of his top tail fin is A bit damaged. He is moving still but is upside down or on his side mostly. Can anyone tell me what is happening to him and can I save his life?

You cant put three firefish in the same tank that size. They attack each other. I put two in a fourteen gallon and one decapitated the other. Quite literally.


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Thanks for the help but it was to late for my little fishy. He's already left for that big saltwater lake in the sky. On A better note though. The other two fish are doing just fine as are the rest of their tank mates. Thanks for everything and happy reefing to all.

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