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I have recently found a lot of Triffid Anemones on or in my live rock. Is there anyway that i can get rid of them without having to remove each individual piece of live rock, which would mess up my aquascape and cause havoc with my Corals and livestock. Your help and advice would be very much apreciated.

Kind Regards



OK, I believe you are talking about what is also called Aiptasia. Looks kinda like this right??

You can get rid of these several ways. I feel the best way is to make a paste of kalkwasser, or pickling lime, and fresh water. Using a syringe with the needle removed, (or you can use one of the measuring syringes that come with some aquarium test kits) suck up the paste in the syringe, turn off your aquarium pumps, and slowly spread a layer of the paste over the anemone. Turn your pumps back in in 15 minutes or so, you don't want to have them on when you paste the anemones because it will blow everywhere.

Also, if you can find true peppermint shrimp, Lysmata wurdemanni, these will often eat them, but even if you buy some shrimp, I recommend killing as many as you can by hand, unless you only have a few.

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