You know that when I have to take a drive all the way from jc to the Bronx on a saturday, it must be for a good reason. Today I brought my wife, bro in law, and his girl to The Reef Shoppe. They were amazed at all the crazy colors, as well as surprised when they saw some of the prices. I was supposed to just pick up an anthias, a maxi mini anemone, and a zoa frag or two. Instead i walked out with about 8 bags full of corals!! HUGE shout out to Anthony and the rest of the team for always taking care of me when I'm there. As far as quality and cleanliness, I dip when I get home, and all I got was a few pods that came out. Nothing harmful. Don't even ask what the prices were, let's just say.....every day is black friday there!! Coming back in a few days to pick up the anthias, because they want to make sure it is well acclimated, as well as eating frozen. That's awesome service in my book. Most of all, I'm never pressured to buy anything I don't want, nor am I rushed. If you never been here, I suggest taking the drive. Keep it up guys, and see you in a few days!!
Just a teaser of the 3 scolies i got from here.
Just a teaser of the 3 scolies i got from here.