Wanted to get a monopod for quite awhile now (plan on doing some outdoor sports photography with long zooms this summer), and have been hem-hawing around about it. Well I'm doing this presentation for some of the other teachers at school in a few days on digital photography, so I figure what the heck, I can get the monopod now and try and write it off on taxes as necessary for the demonstrations. I was looking at the little cheap-o models, but finally got up the cojones to sink the cash into a good Bogen monopod and head. Daaaannnngggg, you can really feel the quality of this thing just by picking it up. It's heavy and solid, and all the clamps are heavy duty, adjustable, and replaceable. This thing rocks! It almost makes me wish I'd saved my money when I bought a new tripod a few months ago. The Sunpak I got is decent, but not in the same league as a Bogen.