My RETF woke up in the evening today while the lights were still on. This is a very rare occurence since he usually doesn't wake up until 1:00 AM. So here's a surprisingly good shot of him.
Hey, I'm looking into getting a RETF, how is it caring for them? What size terrarium do you have? How much humidity do you keep in there? Do you feed them crickets, etc? Any info you can provide me with would be appreciated. Thank you.
Housing: 20 gallon tall tank or larger. (must be tall) Live plants are a must because they are used for sleeping and hiding during the day. Bromeliads work the best for them so you need at least one. Moon light is a must if you really want to see them when they are active.
Care (One frog): Temp- 78 to 80 daytime and 70 to 75 nightime. Drop 3 crickets (Gut loaded) every 5 days in the tank. Mist tank daily. FILTERED WATER ONLY. They are extremely sensitive to chemicals. The slightest bit of chlorine or windex will kill em in a heart beat.
Keep the tank humid but fairly dry to avoid mold. Ugh. That will kill em too.