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Here's the latest update. Due to space in my car constraints, I will only be bringing pre-ordered inverts. Here's what I still have available.

Orders must be received and paid via paypal or credit card by 11/20.

Here are the items available, first come first served. They will not last.

In Stock

Emerald Crab - $6 (5 available)
Blue Leg Hermits - 45 cents each (few available)
Nassarius Snails Small - 75 cents each
Bumble Snails - $1.95, 10 for $17.
Peppermint Shrimp - $5 (4 remaining)
Black turbos - $1.60 each (10 for $15)
Large nassarius $1.99 each (10 for $19)
XL Large turbos $1.99 each (10 for $19)
Blue linkia Star $17 each (1 left)
3" Ultra Croceas (beautiful) $45
Money Algae Cowries (unusual good algae eaters) $2.50, 5 for $12
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