• Why not take a moment to introduce yourself to our members?

Choose any of the following packages for $99 delivered anywhere to UPS zone 1.

Package #1
20 Astrea Snails
20 Nassarius Snails
20 Cerith Snails
20 Bumble Bee Snails
20 Turbo Snails

Package #2
50 Astrea Snails
30 Nassarius Snails
20 Cerith Snails
50 Blueleg Hermit Crabs
2 Emerald Mithrax Crabs
2 Peppermint Shrimp

Package #3
30 Astrea Snails
30 Nassarius Snails
30 Cerith Snails
30 Blueleg Hermit Crabs
10 Scarlet Hermit Crabs
2 Emerald Mithrax Crabs
2 Peppermint Shrimp

You can also add the following with no extra shipping charge.

2.5-3inch Ultra Blue Maximas $55
Ricordea Orange, Blue, Green $15

Sponsor Reefs

We're a FREE website, and we exist because of hobbyists like YOU who help us run this community.

Click here to sponsor $10:
