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Bay Ridge, BK
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This guy Harold Camping just doubled down on the crazy. Can't wait until Oct. 22nd. The sad thing is the experts said this would happen, they say that the more invested you are in a cult, your mind will not allow reason or evidence to sway you. So interesting to me that so many people can and do buy into this religion thing. :thrash:
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People laugh at this lunatic now, but the true is I feel sorry for the legion of people who followed him, helped him raise that 120 millions of dollars (from which he spent 40M for stupid ad campaign) and believed in his empty prophecies. Think about how all that money could be used to help people, animals and environment... It's sad that people like him still have their place in modern society


Old School Reefer
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Seems like he did predict that as stated.As a Catholic,I'm embarrassed by these dumb claims..well not dumb but Inaccurate.People are taking the Bible word for word which is not what it was intended for.It's simply a guide to be good.The good book was written long after the death of Jesus and the accuracy of some of the accounts is still debatable.Some say religion is irrational thinking but to some it's just the comfort of knowing there is a afterlife.Too many false prophets.:(Believe what you want people,the world will end at some point.The Sun will Burn out at some point,perhaps in a million or so years or less.I love science as well as religion.All religions.


Look at my bare bottom!
Staten Island
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Why do people love to put dates on things?

The "doomsday" is coming no doubt about it! It came for dinosaurs and it'll come for whatever comes after us. Theres no doubt everything comes to an "end", think of the world as one big fish tank eventually it will crash. After it does it just gets set back up and the cycle starts all over again.

The only problem is we worry so much about when things end and how to avoid it that we forget to enjoy what we have now.

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