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hi guys so i got a maltese puppy male at 12 weeks he now has 13weeks and i have gotten him some toys. i know puppy mouth because that is the way they explore whats around them but how can i control him to stop mouthing and bitting a little hard. every time he bites hard i say ouch but some times he stops then he licks my hand but theres times he bites harder , i be thinkin wtf! when he licks my hand i say good boy.
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I wasn't quite sure where this thread was going from the title lol. He's just teething and is going to be chewing on anything he can get his mouth on. We have a 3 month old puppy too and she bites sometimes but if you just give them a teething toy they will stop eventually.


Barnum Island
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I too was drawn by the title of the thread..lol How could you resist?!

The 'no' command needs to be said firmly as a statement when the dog nips at a person, not as a question or said weakly .

Providing plenty of teething toys is a great idea. Whenever you see the pup biting something inappropriate, substitute the teething toy and praise the dog.

..so when do we get to see a pic :)
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Puppy need to chew and chew and chew...remember they are teething too. Get some good teething toys to get his frustration out. Small Kong toys that you can fill with peanut butter are great, Greenies chew bones, good old raw hides. When you are petting him if he starts biting on your hand or finger then reprimand him with a firm "NO BITING" give him a chew toy and leave his side. He wants your attention so he will make the connection that him biting you means you leave. It might take a while but he will get it soon. Stick to it or he will not know if its a game or not.


Advanced Reefer
Vernon, NJ
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next time he bites try a Mojano wand! :lol_large
seriously all dogs need to know thier place in the pack so when the dog displays in appropriate behavoir you need to correct it right away he/ she need to know you are the alpha otherwise your time with this dog can be a nightmare. it's not being cruel I dont advocate any type of abuse but you do need to assert yourself as the alpha. I had 3 very large dogs a shepard mix, an german shepard and a malamute(all at the same time) and they knew I was the alpha. next time the dog bites try not to show it was painful and with a stern voice tell the dog NO as you are doing that roll it on its back so it is in a submissive position. now is a very important time to teach the dog it's limits. when his behavior is desirable praise him stray away fro praise including food treats every time
they are treats so when you give him it's a treat
good luck


cephalopod enthusiast
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Puppy need to chew and chew and chew...remember they are teething too. Get some good teething toys to get his frustration out. Small Kong toys that you can fill with peanut butter are great, Greenies chew bones, good old raw hides. t.

Rawhides should not be given to any dogs, especially puppies. Dogs cannot digest the proteins in the rawhide, and the undigested pieces and cause very serious intestinal issues. Rubber toys are the best thing for teething puppies. when he is older (8+ months) you can start to give him bully sticks to chew on, but I would avoid that for now.

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