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new jersey
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well too make a long story short i blew my motor about 2 weeks ago and now need a motor swap if anyone is or knows of a mechanic in jersey that is willin to do a motor swap please pm me info thanks i can get the motor just need a shop to put it in the car is a 2000 rl


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new jersey
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Thanks rick and paulie those babies ain't going nowhere lol matter of fact I'm lookin to add to the collection as soon as I get off unemployment lol


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new jersey
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not being funny but can i ask what makes you think the motor is blown ? and what year and model is it and is it the 3.2
well after doin about 100 on the pike headin down to camden aquarium with my lil ones i somehow blew my headgasket the temp needle skyrocketed almost comin out the gauge and well when i opened up my hood lets jus say it looked like a blender went off inside my engine without the lid engine oil and coolant mixed together so with that said im pretty sure i cracked the head of my engine being that it is aluminum so now i need to swap motor's out the year and make are in my original post at the end 2000 rl or acura engine is a 3.5 only engine size used on rl


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new jersey
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yea thanks akma but i got del's boy to help me out and i am actuallytakeing the car too him this saturday as for the speeding i was actually doin 99 not 100 so for all u guys askin about my speeding stop getting all excited u giving me a :headache:


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pretty irresponsible to do 100 with kids in the car. but of course, you expected the flaming when you posted that comment.


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