Hi fellow reefers does anyone have a blackberry lieing around that they might nolonger need or want if so shoot me a pm I could offer some cash and don't discriminate donations thanks folks
Hi fellow reefers does anyone have a blackberry lieing around that they might nolonger need or want if so shoot me a pm I could offer some cash and don't discriminate donations thanks folks
Do the tmobile plab for 2 years wit unlimted everythin like web text free mins after n weekends too...i think its goin for 150 wit the two year actavation then again it depends on the type b.b u want to get Jr.
no i have the phone its a mytouch actually my wife's phone she want the black berr but not due for an upgrade yet so they wanna charge me like 300 for one if someone has a used one id buy it for her for the mean time i have a blackberry but its my own phone