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Aquatic Life Direct

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Hey everyone... my mother had a litter of kittens outside in her backyard... her dog bothered the mother cat and now they moved somewhere and left one kitten on her own. I have no clue how old she is but if anyone is interested please let me know. I would keep her but i have a dog already and I am allergic to cats... I just couldn't leave her alone and have her possibly die....

BTW, My daughter decided to name her Sparkles. :)


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Advanced Reefer
North Jersey
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I think theyll take to the nipple right away on a bottle, the only problem is when you need to manually stimulate them to go to the bathroom. They also cant see until about 6 weeks I thought. My gf works at a vet over here in jersey, maybe they can take her in for adoption, picking the kitten up would be an issue though. Ill talk to her and see what she says


Advanced Reefer
Northern NJ
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hey .. this is mandy .. i used to work in a shelter and a vet for some time .. that little guy is not gunna be able to eat adult cat food right now .. you're gunna have to go to petco or somewhere thats similar and buy KMR .. mix that in with some wet food and see if he'll eat that .. if he doesn't then try and bottle feed him the kmr .. worst comes to worst pm me and i might be able to help you out .. i do work for a non profit rescue right now and all i took care of for years were bottle babies .. welcome to kitten season!


Advanced Reefer
Northern NJ
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I think theyll take to the nipple right away on a bottle, the only problem is when you need to manually stimulate them to go to the bathroom. They also cant see until about 6 weeks I thought. My gf works at a vet over here in jersey, maybe they can take her in for adoption, picking the kitten up would be an issue though. Ill talk to her and see what she says

haha, whose it gunna be? me or your girlfriend takin the baby?


Reefer Chick
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I've been the "bottle-feeder" for my animal rescue group for 5 years now, and am already on my third litter of this 2011 season...

That baby is only about 2 1/2 weeks old and definitely needs to be be bottlefed every 3/4 hours and stimulated to pee/poop after he eats with a warm wet cotton ball... If at all possible, please try to buy Just Born Kitten Replacement Milk... KMR often leads to diarrhea which will ultimately dehydrate him and possibly lead to death. Make sure you keep him warm... real warm... hot water bottle warm at all times, in a cat carrier or covered box. They cannot regulate their body temperatures at this age and are extremely vulnerable to pneumonia. Also, when making the hole in the nipple (a little bit of a challenge- I use an 18 gauge sterilized needle), you want to be able to turn the bottle upside down without it dripping out unless ever every so slightly squeezed. If the flow of milk is too quick, you can aspirate the kitten, and this too could be fatal...Lastly, always err on the side of underfeeding rather then overfeeding. Good luck...
Your best bet, if you cannot find someone experienced to help you, or simply are not up for this task is to bring him to a local animal shelter...


Aquatic Life Direct

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Is it possible for you to take her? I have no expierence with it and would like someone here to take her and give us updates... My daughter id getting attached. Ive just been feed with a syringe but a little at a time. How long do you normally have to rub her belly to get her to do her business?

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Aquatic Life Direct

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ask me to raise fish... no problem.... a baby... no problem i have 2! A kitten.... PROBLEM! :(

I've had her for about 15 hours and i've feed her like 1ml of milk during that time and she hasnt peed or pooped... i did the dehydration test with the fur and i dont see that shes dehydrated...


Addicted to coral
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i've been the "bottle-feeder" for my animal rescue group for 5 years now, and am already on my third litter of this 2011 season...

That baby is only about 2 1/2 weeks old and definitely needs to be be bottlefed every 3/4 hours and stimulated to pee/poop after he eats with a warm wet cotton ball... If at all possible, please try to buy just born kitten replacement milk... Kmr often leads to diarrhea which will ultimately dehydrate him and possibly lead to death. Make sure you keep him warm... Real warm... Hot water bottle warm at all times, in a cat carrier or covered box. They cannot regulate their body temperatures at this age and are extremely vulnerable to pneumonia. Also, when making the hole in the nipple (a little bit of a challenge- i use an 18 gauge sterilized needle), you want to be able to turn the bottle upside down without it dripping out unless ever every so slightly squeezed. If the flow of milk is too quick, you can aspirate the kitten, and this too could be fatal...lastly, always err on the side of underfeeding rather then overfeeding. Good luck...
Your best bet, if you cannot find someone experienced to help you, or simply are not up for this task is to bring him to a local animal shelter...


danielle is perfect for the job

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