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The ruling in early January by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that allow electricity rate to hike upto 17 percent will become effective next month. Imagine in 3 years, according to Queens Chronicle, the NYC electricity bills could double and the power generators can pocket another $525 million dollars just based on property tax wavier. Industry people claims that it's fair for them to have the property waiver because building and operating the generators in the city continuously increase. How about raise the pay at the same speed at 17 percent first?:knockedou How about waive property tax for anyone who generate their own electricity somewhat.:p Paul B should take the lead to file a petition.:lol_large
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Experienced Reefer
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Overutilization of electricity = waste of money, more justifiable/unjustifiable war, increase in pollution and less enjoyment for this hobby. LED, or at least fluorescent lamps and solar power is our contribution to avoid this problem. Be a responsible reefer.
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...and just imagine how much it would be if we shut down all the nuclear plants :scratch:
Half true.

Nuclear plant companies are staying afloat because of government subsidization and the use of more dangerous fuel than shorter half life material. Even with government support, some of them have to be under maintained due to the price/cost ratio isn't too ideal to the operator. Without them, I bet few will be built nor continue to run. At least one such plant I know had threatened the government to help them or they will shut it down because of loosing money. The anti terrorism and emergency evacuation supporting staffs are also paid by the citizens in form of common tax rather than electric bill. So all in all not that cheap to use them, it's more about strategic reliance on energy sources and security of the States.

But very true, shutting them down now, will hike the price a lot but shutting petro power plants will hike even more. Nuclear counts for about 20 percent of our energy generation in US, if I remember it correctly from the period when I was in the DOE lab.

Anyway, this 12%-17% hike has nothing about energy source type, it's because they were subsidizing operator to build generator within the city so that in case of emergency, they won't drag down the power of other area of US like in the old black-outs. Therefore, the federal said the operators should be waived the property tax for 12 years to encourage them to built the generators in the city. So my theory is that I am going to generate and harness more thermal energy for my house too, government should consider waiving little guys' property tax for 12 years too. :Up_to_som:tongue1:

It's a side track, but imagine if the operators decided to build a nuclear generator in the city. :lol2:


Recovering Lurker
Monroe, NY
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Half true.

Anyway, this 12%-17% hike has nothing about energy source type, it's because they were subsidizing operator to build generator within the city so that in case of emergency, they won't drag down the power of other area of US like in the old black-outs. Therefore, the federal said the operators should be waived the property tax for 12 years to encourage them to built the generators in the city. So my theory is that I am going to generate and harness more thermal energy for my house too, government should consider waiving little guys' property tax for 12 years too. :Up_to_som:tongue1:


What proof do you have to back up this statement?

As far as I remember the company I work for built these power plants over 10 years ago. I've heard no news of new power plants being built.


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What proof do you have to back up this statement?

As far as I remember the company I work for built these power plants over 10 years ago. I've heard no news of new power plants being built.



If you do not read news such as
Channel 7,
New York Post,
The New York Times 'paper edition"
Queens Chronicles "paper edition"
There were at least two more paper editions I read but not in English
New York Post

How about send a letter to senator Schumer who is holding a hearing about this issue what the federal WAS saying the reasons behind the hike. If you sit in, I am sure there are tons of info. the hearing organizers can provide you which your company may be hiding them from you. In fact, the company you work for may not even know because it is not a generator itself.

Let me highlight this part for you of what New York Post said in the link given above, "FERC, moreover, bases its rulings on the need to ensure that power companies are financially viable and, especially, to lure new plants -- surely worthy goals"

The Queens Courier said,
"According to a letter written to FERC and signed by members of Congress including Representatives Anthony Weiner and Carolyn Maloney, existing generators are exempt from property taxes and two forthcoming city generators will also be property tax exempt. However, FERC is allowing power producers to raise the price of energy to include these taxes."

Also in the aspects of 'closing nuclear plants", according to MAARS, Consolidated Edison said,
"Closing NY nuclear power plant(referring to Indian Point) would hike bills(referring to NYC electric bills) 6%"

My personal choice would be to pay 6% higher to close Indian Point but object to pay 12-17% more for building more plants in the city.

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